I saw this meme on
skygawker's journal and it reminded me that I'm pretty sure
lilrongal tagged me to do it a while back. I had no desire to do it then because I wasn't in the mood. I think I'll do it now.
A. List Seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. When I'm in the shower I like the noise the water makes when it hits the backs of my ears. It's a very neat noise that kinda reminds me of being in a tent in the rain. However, I don't like the noise the water makes when I squeeze out my hair. It is too abrasive. I think my neighbors can hear it.
2. More often than not, I can fly in my dreams. And it is a beside-the-point kind of thing--rarely the subject of the dream, more like it's kind of a given alongside whatever's happening. This started happening during my first year of college, and this is utterly unsurprising because that's when I wrote the first Ivy book and that chick changed my brain.
3. My attention is attracted to sound above all else. If I am in a room with music, visual stimulation, strong smells, and am doing something with my hands, my attention is more on the music than anything else. This is why I can't concentrate on writing, speaking, or figuring out complex issues if there is any noise distracting me.
4. I like animals in theory only. I don't like being around them, but I have regularly given money to organizations that protect their rights and I only support animal-friendly products to the best of my ability. I will even mean it when I coo over the cuteness of someone's pet photo, but I will not want to hold or touch or be near the pet, and would never, never own one.
5. I like being short and small. I don't find it insulting for someone to call me a midget, and despite some of the problems it causes it doesn't bother me that I can buy some of my clothes in the children's section.
6. People often get the wrong idea about my tastes in entertainment because I claim to like science fiction and fantasy. Overwhelmingly, people who don't know much about either genre assume this means that I read about robots, aliens, dragons, and wizards--and they also tend to assume I probably read a LOT as well as play video games and role-playing games. Nope. I like speculative fiction, but what attracts me is the imaginative characters who are often so well thought out. Realistic fiction has these types of characters too. I don't like space opera, hard science fiction, high fantasy, or the "magic, dragons, and wizards" thing. I've never played D&D. I don't own a video game system.
7. When I read people's written words, I notice a lot more than I ever let on. On the computer in a text-based medium, you'd have a hard time pretending to be someone else because I will have noted idiosyncrasies of your word use, punctuation use, and sentence structure that you probably don't realize you have. I do it automatically and this is part of the reason I'm very good at editing. I can see inconsistencies in text that will have me turning back seventy pages to affirm that an author is flip-flopping between using "toward" and "towards."
I will follow in
skygawker's tradition and not tag people. Just 'cause the stupid thing said I had to doesn't mean I'm going to. So there.