The Month in Reviews, April 2010

May 01, 2010 14:46

I had a pretty hectic month, and so didn't read much (or I read things but haven't yet reviewed them), but already May is looking up. We shall see!

(4-3) Marvel 1602 - Neil Gaiman, Andy Kubert, and Richard Isanove
(4-7) Vanish with the Rose - Barbara Michaels
(4-7) Cheeky Angel 14-15 - Hiroyuki Nishimori
(4-8) Adolf 3: The Half-Aryan - Osamu Tezuka
(4-11) Oh! My Brother 2 - Ken Saito
(4-12) Nightschool: The Weirn Books 3 - Svetlana Chmakova
(4-15) Honey Hunt 4 - Miki Aihara
(4-18) Butterflies, Flowers 2 - Yuki Yoshihara
(4-21) There’s Something About Sunyool 1 - Youngran Lee
(4-22) Raiders 2 - JinJun Park

manga, books, book reviews

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