The Grand Angel Rewatch: Season 3, Part 1

Aug 08, 2009 12:14

2.21 "Through the Looking Glass"
Written and Directed by Tim Minear

This episode sees the appearance of the Groosalugg and Angel's inner demon; the world of Pylea being "black and white," as Lorne said, means that the demon manifests in an absolute form, rather than blending with Angel to create the traditional vamp look. There are some comedic things happening throughout the episode, but what sticks with me most is Angel freaking out to a sympathetic Fred after the team sees his demon-"They saw it. The monster I really am."-because it reminded me very much of Kyou and Tohru in Fruits Basket.

2.21 "There's No Place Like Pltz Glrb"
Written and Directed by David Greenwalt

We learn that Fred has been working out the portal formula on the walls of her cave. She doesn't think it's been working, but she's actually the one who let the Drakken through back a few episodes ago. Cordelia turns down an opportunity to mate with Groo because doing so will mean he absorbs her vision powers. There are some cute lines between Cordy and Angel-A: "You love me?" C: "Not you, dumbass."-and growth for Wesley, who becomes more grim when he's leading the rebel group in an attack on the castle. There's some nice continuity for Gunn, too, as he just can't abide leaving the rebel group to get themselves killed (something that happened with members of his own gang back home).

And, of course, them coming home and finding Willow in the hotel is so awesome I have geekbumps just typing about it.

3.1 "Heartthrob"
Written and Directed by David Greenwalt

We get a few references to Holtz this time and a great deal of Angel and Cordelia cuteness together, including lots of little smiles and stuff. Angel is upset because losing Buffy didn't kill him, but Cordelia, who seems to know and understand him so well now (and what a contrast with S1!) convinces him that continuing to live on and fight the fight is not betraying Buffy... it's honoring her. Geekbumps again!

3.2 "That Vision Thing"
Written by Jeffrey Bell

Lilah hires Kal Penn to give Cordelia damaging visions. Cordelia's desire to maintain the visions (believing it's only this that makes her useful to Angel) is tested once again. And we meet Skip! It's a good episode, but somehow I find I don't have more to say about it. Skip!

3.3 "That Old Gang of Mine"
Written by Tim Minear

I'm never really a fan of the episodes focusing on Gunn's gang because I think the way the "street" characters are written is pretty stereotypical. This episode was still better than I'd remembered it being, though. I love the bit at the end where Wesley very coolly tells Gunn that if he ever withholds information again, he'll be fired. His progression from bumbling fool into grimly competent badass is well on its way now, and has been accomplished with admirable subtlety. Also, this is the episode with the Big Gulp demon, which is a gag I was waiting for palmetto to get to see. :)

3.4 "Carpe Noctem"
Written by Scott Murphy

Whee, a body swap episode in which a pervy old dude steals Angel's body and proceeds to hit on every female around, jerking Fred's feelings all over the place in the process! I really feel bad for poor Fred in these opening episodes of S3, because it seems like every time she takes a step into society, something traumatizing happens. This episode's pretty much only worth watching for the Fred and Angel stuff. Oh, and for David Boreanaz in leather pants.


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