"Her Blood" (Sam/Ruby)

May 26, 2011 17:18

Title: Her Blood
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Ruby
Rating: 18/NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any characters featured in this not-for-profit fic.
Summary: Sam and Ruby meet up. Porn ensues. Originally written for Kink Bingo prompt Bloodplay. The fic has been changed a bit from the original.
Warnings: Explicit sex, bloodplay

Sam Winchester waited.

The room was like any of the thousands of motels he'd spent the night in over the years. A bed. A TV. Couple of chairs and a table. Decor that was out-of-date by decades.

Sam didn't care about details like that though. It could have been any motel room anywhere. All he cared about was the door. Sitting on the bed he stared at it. Stared at it. And stared at it. Stared. At the door.

It wasn't the door itself that mattered really. It was the fact that she had knocked on it yet.

He rubbed his hands on his knees. Licked his lips. Looked at his watch. Ran his fingers through his hair. Looked out at the window at a slight sound. Glanced at the clock again.

She was half an hour late. Thirty-one damn minutes now.

"Where are you?" Sam hissed under his breath. He scratched an itch on the back of his neck. His skin felt like there were armies of ants marching under it. And boy was it getting hot. He might have to crank up the A/C. He took a deep breath. It was okay. She was coming. She wouldn't let him down. What if she didn't show up? Nah she'd show. She always did. Must have got stuck somewhere or something. He licked his lips. He rubbed his eyes.

Okay where was she?

He looked has his watch. Only thirty seconds had passed since he last looked. How could that be? It had felt like much longer. He knew he should relax. But he couldn't. This waiting was just too much. He closed his eyes and opened them again.




And Waiting.




Lick lips.

Look at the clock.



Tick. Tick. Tick.






Knock knock knock.

Sam leapt up and sprinted to the door. He paused for a moment. It wouldn't do for her to get the impression he was desperate. He took a few deep calming breaths and then opened the door.

"Sorry I'm late, thought I was being followed. Can't be too careful these days," Ruby said.

"No, no, it's fine," Sam smiled, running his hand through his hair. "Yeah, fine, I was just...come in, come in," he stepped back and Ruby waltzed into the room. Sam shut and locked the door behind her.

"We don't have much time, I'm meeting a contact later who might be able to get us to Lilith."

"You think we'll really get somewhere this time?"

"Who knows? But for now...let's not waste the time we have," Ruby grinned and pulled her t-shirt over her head, dropping it on the floor as she embraced Sam, kissing him on the lips. He responded, eagerly kissing her back, sucking on her tongue as it entered his parted lips. He put his hands on her hips, pulling her close.

She was here, that was everything in the world. Lilith, and any other demon for that matter didn't matter. That long aching wait was over.

Her nimble fingers unbuttoned his shirt. He quickly helped her take it off completely. His clothes felt in the way, restricting his body from getting what it needed.

She pushed him onto the bed. Sam was on his back, propped up on his elbows. He watched as Ruby pulled off her boots then got rid of her tight black jeans, leaving her with only her black bra and matching thong. From her jeans pocket she pulled out a flick knife and tossed it onto the bed beside him.

The younger Winchester brother looked at the knife. He knew what it was for, and the anticipation was electric. Ruby got his attention by undoing his belt, pulling it from the loops of his pants. She grinned and leaned in unbuttoning his jeans then yanking them down, taking his boxer shorts with them.

"I know what you want Sam," she smiled, biting her bottom lip and looking at him with dark sultry eyes. Her fingertips stroked the length of his hardening cock.

"It's not hard to figure out," Sam said breathlessly. His eyes widened has her other hand cupped his balls, fondling them gently.

"No, it's not." She took her hand from his testicles and picked up the knife, popping out the blade. His eyes followed the tip as she ran it down between her breasts. "What turns you on more? My tits or the knife?" Ruby purred.

Sam didn't answer.

Ruby reached round and undid her bra, slipping both straps off her shoulder and letting it fall to the dull brown carpet. Her pink nippled were perky. Ruby pressed the point of the knife to her flesh just above her right breast. She didn't flinch, or show any reaction as she pierced the skin. A narrow red trickle made it's way down the breast.

Sam's eyes locked on that trickle. He held his breath, his heart-rate went up, pupils dilated, his cock twitched. He only lasted a couple of seconds before sitting up, hands reaching to her hips again, pulling her closer. His mouth latched onto her reddened nipple. The metallic taste of her blood brought his body alive. He tingled all over. His cock flexed again, reaching full hardness. He sucked on the nipple.

"Oh Sam, oh fuck," Ruby moaned.

He ran his tongue up the trail of blood to the cut, sucking at the source of the incredible substance. With every lick and swallow Sam felt electricity flow through his body. He was strong, more powerful than any demon or monster. He could do anything and no creature could stop him. The rush was pure. Everything was more real.

Sam stood and kissed Ruby fiercely, shoving her back until he slammed her against the wall. One hand was on her unbloodied breast, pinching her nipple between thumb and forefinger. She brought the knife up again and sliced a shallow cut on the right side of her neck. Immediately his mouth went to the new cut, pinching her nipple harder as he sucked on her blood.

Her empty hand was on his firm buttock, fingernails digging in and pulling him to her. "Fuck Sam, fucking yes!" She could feel his hardness pressing between her thighs, it's progress impeded by the fabric of her thong.

The change in him was incredible. Gone with the nervous doubt she had seen when she opened the door. He'd looked terrible, desperate. That man had been replaced with strength and confidence. And this new man made her so horny, the meatsuit responding to her demonic lust, she could feel the underwear clinging to her wet cunt.

She pushed him back. His mouth was ringed with dark red, eyes aflame with passion and power. Ruby grinned and used the knife to cut through the thin strip of the thong at her hip on one side then the other. It fell and she was naked, her pussy was completely hairless. "Get on the bed. Now." Ruby commanded. Despite the face that he could tear her apart and send her straight back to hell if he chose to she knew that she was the one in charge here. She was still completely in control. She had everything her wanted. Her knowledge. Her cunt. And most of all her blood.

Sam followed her order, eyes on her blood, his cock erect and ready.

Ruby pounced onto the bed and mounted him, her free hand taking a hold of his dick. She gave it a few strokes squeezing it in her first before lining it up and impaling herself on it, taking his full length all the way inside. The intense pleasure of the coupling was evident on both their faces.

With him fully inside she rolled her hips back and forth slowly, Sam gripping her ass with both hands, urging her to speed up her motions. But she didn't she was in charge, she was dictating pace.

She took the blade and sliced a deep gash across the palm of her left hand. Hot blood dripped onto his chest. Sam licked his lips as he watched her smear blood over both her breasts, then onto her lips and over her cheeks. The sight of her covering herself with that amazing blood was just about more than he could handle. His hands tightened their hold on her rear, pressing up against her with his hips.

Ruby laughed. He was all hers. His reason overrun by base desires.

She put her wounded hand to his mouth at the same time raising herself then slamming back down. Sam sucked with the thirst of a man who'd gone without liquid for days, and he thrust up to meet her coming down. He groaned with the duel pleasure of drinking her blood while she rode his dick.

She fucked him, wild and hard, bouncing on his hardness as he drank. She took the hand away and he went for her chest, licking the blood from her breasts. His hold on her ass was almost painful. Ruby liked it. He switched from the cut on her chest, to her neck, to her hand, greedy for her. Ruby moaned louder and louder.

They climaxed together, Sam unleashing a roar of release as his cock pumped, squirting into her tightening, convulsing cunt. Ruby's eyes were pure black.

She collapsed on top of him. Both of their bodies were stained with her blood.

Ruby kissed him, almost convincing herself she meant it. Then she rolled off him, his cum seeping out and running down to her asshole. She looked at Sam. His eyes were closed, his face and chest bloody. She knew the guilt would come soon. She didn't want to be here for that. Without saying anything she got off the bed and went to the bathroom. She cleaned herself up.

When she returned to Sam he was sitting up on the bed.

"I gotta go," Ruby said. Sam just nodded. "I'll be in touch soon, let you know how it goes."

She quickly got dressed, leaving the cut up thong on the floor. There was no goodbye.

Sam flopped back on the bed. He was on top of the world.

But already he was wondering when he'd next get to taste her blood.

rough sex, bloodplay, nc-17, supernatural, 18+, ruby, sam, fic

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