Title: "Want"
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Pairing: Katniss Everdeen/Johanna Mason
Rating: PG-13/very light R
Disclaimer: I don't own The Hunger Games or any characters featured in this not-for-profit fic.
Summary: Written for the
Comment_Fic Prompt: The Hunger Games, Katniss/Johanna, blood is thicker than water.
Content Notes: mentions of f/f sex
Here "Why do I want you so much?" Katniss asked.
"Because we're bound by the most powerful thing in the world," Johanna replied.
They were on Johanna's bed, nude and sweating and panting.
Johanna kissed her neck and brushed her lips over Katniss' ear. "Blood." She gave Katniss' earlobe a gentle suck. "The blood we gave." Johanna's left hand stroked over the curve of her lover's hip. "The blood we took." Katniss let Johanna guide her onto her back. "It binds us stronger than anything."
Katniss closed her eyes. Johanna kissed her lips with hot fire and need.