"Texts II: Spanking", Doctor Who, (Amy/?)

Jan 13, 2013 16:09

Title: "Texts II: Spanking"
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy/?
Rating: 18/NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or any of the characters featured in this not-for-profit fic.
Summary: Originally written in response to a prompt for the Naughty Bingo Card at Spanking World, "Blindfold" square. This is the second in what's going to be a series of around five fics.
Warnings: Explicit f/f Sex, spanking
Notes: Set between series 6 and 7 of the current run. It's not 100% vital you read the first part to appreciate the second the gist of the the first part is mentioned in this one. First part is here.

Amy Pond had a mystery lover. Not even she knew who it was. That was what made it so exciting.

Four weeks ago she had started getting texts from a number she didn't know. Things had quickly become flirtatious, then developed to outright sexting.

Then a week ago she had met the anonymous texter. She hadn't actually laid eyes on the individual though. A blindfold had prevented her from learning the identity of her admirer. She knew only a few facts: They were female. She was dirty minded, if not dirtier, than Amy herself. And whoever she was she was very, very, good at making her come. Their meeting had proved that.

Amy of course felt guilt. She'd betrayed her husband.

But things weren't exactly roses in the marriage.

Since she'd found out he couldn't have any more kids things had been strained to say the least.

The next day after the rendezvous the texts started again. Amy ignored the first one. It had been a mistake, and mistakes shouldn't be compounded by repetition. She had to accept it for what it was a bit of fun that had gotten out of hand and was in the past now.

Playing hard to get are we?

Amy was sitting on her bed. The one she shared with her husband. Phone in her hand she read the message again.





It was just texting. She didn't have to meet her again. It didn't have to be a big deal.

Even if they did meet again it was done, was it really any worse to do it again?

They way things were with Rory...she was lonely, and the texter offered her excitement, satisfaction. Both things had been missing in the months the Doctor had left her and her relationship with Rory had deteriorated.

Amy didn't text her back. She made a choice not to.

Except later that day she did reply.

There was more flirting and innuendo and two days after Amy engaged in an incredibly hot sexting session. She touched herself, then used a bullet vibrator on herself.

It took very little for Anon to convince her that they should get together again.

Amy told Rory she was going back to Leadworth for a couple of days to visit her parents. He didn't even offer to come. Amy knew he wouldn't. He had already put himself in for all the overtime he could this week.

Amy did really go visit her mum and dad. She did her best to act normal, but she couldn't help spending a lot of time thinking about the meeting she had planned for her last night away.

Anon had reserved the room. Room 47. Come straight in and lock the door. Was the simple message telling her where to go.

Amy opened the door, closed it and locked it behind her. It was a basic room. A double bed, a tv and stand against the wall beyond the bottom of the bed and a door leading to the bathroom. The bathroom door was closed.

On the bed was a blindfold.

Amy felt a final moment of hesitation. She could still just turn around and walk out of here and go home. That would be the end of it.

Instead she put down her back. Her phone buzzed.

Clothes off. Get on the bed. Blindfold on.

After a few seconds there was another text.

I know you feel very naughty Amy.

She nodded. She felt naughty. She felt sexy. She felt dirty in that way what made you want to tear off your clothes and lose yourself in sex.

I think you need to be spanked tonight. Do you need to be spanked naughty girl?

Amy smiled. It had come up a few times in their sexting back and forth that a good spank or two was very much a turn on for her. She felt a flutter in her stomach and a shiver of excitement ran up her spine.

Yes. Amy replied. Spank me good lover.

The reply came swiftly. Hurry up then. I want you naked and blindfolded on the bed, bum in the air for me.

Amy stripped naked. She'd worn some of her sexiest underwear for the occasion but she could save that little show for the next time. If there was a next time.

She sat on the bed. Amy sent a final message: Don't keep me waiting.

She put her phone down on top of the set of drawers beside the bed and then she put on the blindfold, tying it tight. She was desperate to know who her anonymous lover was, but Anon had made it clear that if she didn't wear the blindfold she didn't get fucked.

Amy got on her front, hands on the pillow. She leaned forward, resting her head on her hands and raising her ass in the air.

Waiting, she listened. There was the sound of movement from the bathroom. It was a struggle for Amy to resist taking off the blindfold and looking. She wanted to know who it was. But even more she wanted the woman's hands on her. Touching her, pleasuring her, and yes, spanking her.

The bathroom door opened. Amy turned her head towards the sound even through she couldn't see a thing. “I'm ready,” she said.

Anon didn't reply. Amy didn't expect she would. But she heard her approaching. She faced forward again, raising her bottom higher in anticipation of the evening's activities getting started.

But nothing happened. She could hear her own and her mystery lover's breathing. But there was nothing else. No movement.

“Touch me, please.” Amy said, she raised hard ass higher. “I'm all yours.”

There was movement and Amy prepared herself for the smack that was coming.

But it didn't come.

“I've been a bad girl. I need you to spank me.”


She was about to speak again when she instead gasped. A finger brushed along the outside of her right foot. It slowly traced up along the back of her calf then stopped to stroke the back of her knee. There was a whisper of breath at her other foot then a tongue, mirroring the path the finger had taken.

Amy made a 'mmmm' sound when the tongue reached the back of her knee.

The tongue left her and the finger resumed it's journey up, stroking up the back of her thigh, then over her buttock. Just a single finger and it was wonderful. But Amy wanted more more more. She hadn't come here to be teased.

The finger made a path across her lower back then down between her asscheeks. Just before the finger reached her asshole Anon withdrew it.

Anon's mouth returned to the back of her left leg. Amy felt the bed shift as Anon got on it. Her mouth again mirrored the path the finger had taken. She lightly kissed and licked the back of Amy's thigh, moving steadily upwards.

Okay, maybe teasing wasn't what she had come for but boy it was good.

Anon's tongue slid down between Amy's buttocks and then just before reaching her asshole the tongue stopped.


Amy hissed and moaned as Anon spanked her again.

“Yes yes, harder.”

Anon did as she asked, switching to her other cheek and giving her three firm smacks, the third was particularly stinging.

Amy grinned. Her whole body felt alive. She felt good. She felt naughty, she felt oh so wickedly sexy. Not being able to see, only being able to feel made it seem all the more intense.

“I'm a bad bad girl,” Amy moaned.

Anon spanked her again, then again, alternating buttocks with firm consistent strikes.

Then it stopped. Amy didn't want it to stop. She was so horny.

She felt Anon's hand on the inside of her thigh, moving up, pushing her legs apart a little. Amy was happy to. She was frustrated when instead of making it to her heat the hand withdrew. Before she could voice her displeasure Anon slapped her again, this time between the legs.

Amy cried out, and then squealed as Anon smacked her cunt again.

This time her hand stayed there, fingers finding Amy's clit and rubbing vigorously. Amy gripped the sheets with both hands, whimpering a colourful array of expletives. After about thirty seconds of steady, wonderful focus on Amy's clitoris Anon repositioned her hand, sliding two fingers into the redhead's pussy.

With her other hand Anon resumed spanking. With every deep, urgent thrust she also gave Amy's bottom a strict whack.

Anon fucked her harder, faster and added a third finger. She relented slightly with the spanking, giving Amy three rapid smacks, rubbing the area for a few seconds before choosing a new spot on her ass and repeating the process.

Amy's moans and cries of pleasure reached new vulgar heights and with a long drawn out “Fuuuuuck!” she climaxed.

As she caught her breath Amy could hear sucking and licking noises, she had no doubt Anon was making a show of cleaning her fingers.

Directing her with her hands Anon rolled Amy onto her back and pushed her legs apart. Amy's pleasure wasn't over yet.

After the third orgasm Anon returned to the bathroom. A buzzing from her phone told Amy it was time to take off the blindfold.

She did so, setting it aside on the bed and picked up her phone.

Amy spent the night in a room a few doors down. Tonight was not the night for uncovering the identity of her mystery lover. Anon had arranged for this other room for her to sleep in.

Amy Pond slept soundly, satisfied and sated.

amy pond, femslash, spanking_world, doctor who, nc-17, amy/anon, 18+, fic, spanking

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