"Discipline", Spooks, (Beth/Ruth)

Dec 01, 2012 17:17

Title: "Discipline"
Fandom: Spooks
Pairing: Beth/Ruth
Rating: 18/NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own Spooks or any of the characters featured in this not-for-profit fic.
Summary: Originally written for Kink Bingo, "Spanking"
Warnings: dub-con (coercion), f/f sexytimes
Note: Set season 9

Beth Bailey's hand immediately went for the gun under her pillow when her bedroom door started to open. She tensed, ready to bring up the weapon and put a bullet between the eyes of the intruder.

She relaxed when she saw it was just Ruth, but was infuriated that she hadn't knocked. Yes it was er house but that didn't mean she was going to tolerate losing basic privacy. The other woman was wearing turquoise silk pyjamas.

“Ruth,” she smiled despite her flash of anger and withdrew her hand from under the pillow. She put down the trashy romance novel that was in her other hand.

“I never thought of you as a Mills and Boon girl,” Ruth said.

“No, I'm not really, but it's nice to escape sometimes.”

Ruth nodded, their eyes met. She knew exactly what she meant. Ruth knew well the kind of things people like Beth had to escape from. While she might not be in the field herself often she had seen what this life did to people. She sat on the end of the bed, and something changed. From the predatory look she was now giving her Beth was glad she was under the covers, glad for that extra barrier between them.

“Do you know why Harry sent you to live with me?”

“So you could keep an eye on me I expect.”

“Yes, obviously. But there is another reason.” Something about the way Ruth was looking at her as she said this caused a flutter in her tummy. “Harry sends officers to me that he feels are lacking in discipline.”

“Right.” Beth nodded. Well in MI5's eyes she probably fit into that category. Just an hour ago she had been certain that she'd never set foot in Thames House again, she still couldn't quite believe Lucas had stepped in to save her bacon.

“I think you'll have to agree that your recent actions confirm that feeling.”

Beth nodded, though she had no idea what she was really agreeing to here. She was used to improvising in unusual and unnerving situations but suddenly here in her room in this cosy apartment she felt utterly out of her depth.

Ruth reached over and put her hand on top of Beth's. Beth felt an electric tingle from the touch, but kept her cool.
“Beth, I am going to give you that discipline. This will be as much a part of your service training as anything else. You will be graded, and I will be reporting to Harry about your progress.”

“What exactly are we talking about here?” Beth was never one to be on the defensive, she felt Ruth was backing her into a corner. She didn't take well to being backed into corners. Someone usually ended up hurt.

“We're talking about you doing everything I say, without question. Do you think you can do that Beth? For the sake of your career?”

It was a challenge. Ruth was challenging her to accept that this was part of her life as an officer and that if she wanted this job she would have to do this. “Do I have a choice?”

“Of course. You can leave the service. Harry has full confidence in my assessment. An officer without discipline is worthless to him.

Beth thought for a moment. What's the worst Ruth could do? She seemed quiet, unassuming. She expected she would have to clean the flat and entertain the cat. She didn't think Ruth had the creativity or the hardness to come up with much more than that.

“If that's what it takes.”

“Good,” Ruth smiled. “Take off your clothes.”


“You heard. Take off your clothes.”

Beth sat and looked at Ruth, not believing she'd actually said that. “You want me to...Why?”

“Sorry, I thought I was clear. You do everything I say without question. Stand up. Take off your clothes. Now.”

There was steel in Ruth's eyes. Beth had never imagined her capable of such a look. She shouldn't have underestimated the other woman. The life of a spy wasn't for the faint of heart, be it in the field or behind the scenes.

Ruth raised her eyebrow expectantly. “If I have to tell you again...”

“Fine,” Beth sighed, got out from under the covers and stood. She pulled off her t-shirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. “What now?”

“Bottoms too.”

Beth hesitated but then resigned herself to just getting on with it. It wasn't as if being naked was the most humiliating thing she'd done in the name of being a spy. She took off her bottoms, at the same time pulling down her underwear.

“What now?”

“What now? Harry was right. Arrogant. Lacking discipline. You are going to be a lot of work. Come here,” she motioned to her lap.

Beth didn't understand.

“Over my knee, now.”


Ruth gave her a look of disappointment and stood up. “Don't bother coming in tomorrow.”

“Wait,” Beth said. “Okay.”

Ruth sat back down. “Are you sure? I don't want you to waste my time, you're either committed to this or you're not.”

“I'm committed.” Beth put herself over Ruth's lap. It didn't take any great leap of imagination to know what was coming next.

“We'll see.”

Beth's fight or flight instincts kicked in when Ruth put her hand on her bottom. It was a gentle touch but one that she
was strangely concerned about. She wondered if Ruth's threat had been empty. For all she knew this was nothing to do with Harry or the service. Maybe Ruth was just a pervert.

Nothing happened.

The blond risked a look over her shoulder.

“Eyes forward and keep them that way.”

Beth looked forward, focusing on the alarm clock beside the bed. Who else knew about this? Would Lucas and everyone else at work know in the morning what had happened to her? Would Harry know the details? Or just Ruth?

When the first blow came it was harder than she expected. “Fuck!” Beth hissed, the slap leaving behind stinging skin.
She really had to stop underestimating Ruth.

“None of that please. If you can't speak in a civil tongue don't speak at all.”

Smack! Smack!

Beth held her tongue and gripped the bedsheets tight in her fists.

“Good girl,” Ruth massaged the lightly pinked flesh. “Most officers come to appreciate what they learn from me. I'm certain you'll be no different.”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Beth moaned and gasped, but stopped the expletives from escaping her lips. She was determined not to give Ruth the satisfaction. She was sure that the other woman would pounce on any excuse to prolong this little session.

“I think there's hope for you Miss Bailey.”

Ruth dished out a rhythmic spanking, one every second, striking a different part of Beth's behind. Most were firm stinging slaps, but every now and then she would give her one that truly tested her restraint.

It felt like a long time but it was probably only ninety seconds or so until Ruth stopped. She admired her handiwork. Beth's bum was gloriously red. Both of them were breathing heavily. There was silence. The absence of the smacking and no more noises from Beth made it seem strangely quiet.

Beth had tears in her eyes. One trailed down her cheek. Her arse burned. She flinched when Ruth touched her again, this time it was an altogether different kind of contact. This time Ruth was gentle. Her hand massaged and stroked over the heated flesh.

The blonde found herself starting to relax. It was over. At least...

Then she felt Ruth's hand wandering elsewhere. Fingertip moved down the cleft between her buttocks. It continued slowly down. Beth held her breath. The finger grazed over her asshole, nearly causing her to cry out. The finger travelled on. Down to her pussy.

“You're wet,” Ruth said in a matter-of-fact tone. It lacked any emotion.

Beth said nothing. From the heat on her cheeks she was sure her face was as red as her bottom. It was true. She was aroused.

Ruth's finger traced between Beth's lower lips, confirming she was wet, very wet. “This turned you on.”

The blonde still did not respond. She wanted so badly for Ruth to stop and at that same time had this little urge at the back of her mind that wanted her to just keep going.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Beth couldn't bring herself to say anything. She was embarrassed. Confused. She almost nodded, but she couldn't and she didn't know why. She shook her head. Just once.

Ruth responded by pressing a finger into Beth, sliding it all the way in with ease. “Yes. I think there's a lot of hope for you,” she added a second finger.

Beth bit her bottom lip and decided that perhaps learning a bit of discipline wouldn't be so bad after all.

18+, beth/ruth, nc-17, kink bingo, spanking, spooks

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