Oct 31, 2007 08:39
Today is officially the eve of Samhain; the End of Summer and oh what a Summer it has been!!
I have so much to keep me in warmth and comfort through the dark days ahead. There are many incredible memories; smiles and belly laughter, adventures to far away places, conversations of substance, and soul melting hugs. There are celebrations of mile markers and successes and the feelings of satisfaction that come with jobs well-done. There are feasts of mind, and spirit; brain food and soul food - that provide the kind of quenching that only happens when spirits connect and when one realizes happily that they have given and received to completion. And also the other kind of meals -- of noodles or steaks, enjoyed across the table from a beloved face, or new chicken recipes, lamb stew, spaghetti sauce and fresh from the garden salads grown and prepared by the hands of my sisters.
This year I have cooked with you, shopped with you, traveled with you, visited your homes, had you visit mine, chatted for hours on the telephone, sent and received heart warming, eye filling, breath catching messages. I’ve fed and been fed by you, shared Moons and fire circles, births and deaths, been strong for you and leaned on you for strength, I given and received confidences, I’ve cheered you on and been cheered for….
I could go on and on but in looking back over the year to last Samhain, when I pulled the three card spread that predicted balance - to the warmth of family and Tribe at Yule, to the trees that spoke at Imbolc, and the voices that sang at Spring, and the Wild Hunt at Beltane, to the fruition of Quests at Summer Solstice, the fun and games of the First Harvest and sitting under the arbor of “Trees” that produced such a satisfying Second Harvest - this Wheel has been one of my best ever.
My friend Stacey tells me he often defies the Universe by sighing; “it’s just not possible for things to get any better than this,” daring to be proven wrong. I sit in that same place this morning knowing that nothing can take away these memories or the feelings they evoke - of feeling an overwhelming sense of thankfulness and appreciation for all of you and what you have brought to my life. I look forward to the Winter, to the soft indigo skies that come so early; to the wool blankets and down comforters and to seeing your faces in the candle light and I say with all mischief - “Ahhhhhh -- it’s just not possible for things to get any better than this.”
Thank you.
I love you.
I’ll see you soon, in the firelight.
In Sisterhood,