A good way to spend the next five minutes...

Jul 11, 2003 13:36

Bush lies:

Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, and MoveOn have all started petitions calling for an independent bipartisan investigation into Bush's lies:

Howard Dean's petition
Dennis Kucinich's petition
MoveOn's petition

FCC vs. Democracy (the rematch):

Consumer's Union has a petition in support of H.R. 2052 and S. 1046. If passed, these bills will undo Michael Powell's transgressions against media diversity:

"On June 19, a bipartisan vote of the Senate Commerce Committee overturned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to significantly reduce protections regarding who owns the media in the America.

But the fight is not over. S. 1046 must now go to the full Senate for approval. Make your voice heard - write your Senators to urge their support of S. 1046.

Your participation takes two minutes and will make a difference."

Learn more
Sign petition
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