Yonder and back

Oct 23, 2008 08:45

Okay, so instead of hanign out in Hyde park we took the bus over to Hampstead Heath and went trodding hither and yon till once again there were aching tootsies to be had. Howeer, since we'd gone shopping again before we left, there was hot chicken soup and croissants awaiting our return.

The big fun to be had yesterday wasn't the rolling green hills and deep dark forests, or the ducks and swans and weird pigeon-but-not-a-pigeon birds that we fed, or the bus and train rides through old neighborhoods, or the getting lost that we did; no, the itnerstign part of the day was when we had to change course through the Heath to avoid the CRIME SCENE and the ATTENDING OFFFICERS who for some reason didn't want people TRAMPLING all over the EVIDENCE of CRIME CRIME CRIME.

Most excellent. The only thing more apt would be if we were to have come across a riot in Brixton or cheap tarts in Camden.

So, today is going to be our leisure day. We figure on going to see a movie or something, plus we've got plenty to read as we stopped in the WH Smith's and got books: Russell Brand's My Booky Wook, Jonathan Ross's I-forget-the-name, and Stephen Fry's America, to go along wit hthe TV series, and also just plain new Stephen Fry. Add in a bag of jelly babies (not at all what we expected them to be - all crunchy and gushy instead of gummi-bear-ish) and two very tired Americans, and you've got a day of calm, quiet lounginess.

OH, and we found a place that does food cheap. YAYS!

england omg

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