Do you realize you have the most beautiful face?

Oct 20, 2008 14:16

Do You Realize, that everyone, you know,
Someday, will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes, let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last

As soon as I got out of bed this morning my grandmother has been on a mission:
A mission, to make my life a living hell while living here.

I worked my ass off cleaning yesterday
and I look on the fridge this morning and my brother has wrote a list [of three] things that I needed to do TODAY [in capital letters, underlined and dated]
I do not APPRECIATE being treated like that when I do everything I can for these people to keep the house clean.
On their days off do they do anything to help around the house? FUCK NO. they don't.

Also, to top it off.
My husband brings home metal & aluminum from his roofing jobs so that we can junk it and make some extra money.
Well I guess this neighborhood [and sad to say, my family] are too "high class" to have a few scraps sitting around until my husband can take them to the recycling place.
Never in her time of living here has she ever had junk in her yard.
Well SORRY.. my husband gets up for work at 5am and doesn't usually get home until it's dark out.
By then, the recycling places are closed and not to mention he is tired as fuck.
Anyway, the whole point of this story is my grandma has gotten a warning to get all of it out of the yard or she will be ticketed.
So, of course, I get completely bitched at and treated like shit for something that I can't do anything about.
And if it isn't gone by tomorrow, she's going to have someone come up here and take it.
That means we're losing money and she has to pay to get it taken away, anyways.
She just doesn't want to make the neighbors angry or let anyone think badly about her.
All I have to say is

Feel free to let me know if I'm wrong for my feelings
or is my grandma just being a fucking bitch?
She thinks she's being "nice and reasonable"
Ha fucking HA.

I can't stand this fucking shit anymore.
And to avoid a fight, I leave the room.
She follows me and barges in my bedroom, without knocking.
But she says "it's her house and she can do what she wants in it"
Doesn't she just sound so mature??
And while in the bedroom she tells me how ungrateful I am, and how much I treat her like shit and don't do anything and I'm just living here for free.
So I say "If you really think that, I will do absolutely nothing, like you say I am anyways and then we will see how much shit gets done around here."
Her reply is "Then you can leave in the morning."
And a bunch more rambling that I let go in one ear and out the other.

I don't know what to do anymore.
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