Title: Own Your Pleasure
Rating: R / MA
Pairing: Dom/Ariadne
swamp_ariadne Response to Prompt:
community.livejournal.com/inception_kink/756.html and
thursdays_girl request. Submitted to D/A Smut week, though it is double the word count limit. Oh well, double the fun (I hope). concrit welcome.
Warnings: Sexually explicit content.
Cobb talks Ariadne through... )
Comments 16
That was so very, freakin' hot. Loved it.
the setup really ran away with me sorry. and is it pathetic if i admit that i actually tried to get my husband to participate in this exercise and he just looked at me with a "you just go do your thing" look, leaves the bedroom and plops himself in front of the TV?
he comes back in the middle, while i was typing up the end of the phone sex bit and says "Did you know they use a lot of gears and wires in the making of Corpse Bride?". I mean really - Corpse Bride? Completely derailed any thoughts I had! I had to boot him out of the room and center myself so I could get rid of Corpse Bride Ariadne in my head. It wasn't funny.
I also thought the phone sex made for a good humorous/awkward intro.
I loved this! The phone sex in the begining was perfect!
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