Silvertree Mail/Web status

Mar 21, 2008 12:30

In an effort to improve mail services the following has been performed:

Web - up and stable
E-mail - I made a couple key configuration changes to the mail server.
1) NDR will no longer be generated, this will eliminate backscatter spam for NDR of
forged silvertree addresses. Any mail sent to a non-existing mailbox will simply
be bit bucketed.
This is in violation of the RFCs, but the RFCs weren't written in this day and
age of mass spam.
NDR = Non-Delivery Report

2) Backup up MX services for domains are now "as needed" a script will check to see
if the primary MX is available - if so, then backup MX is disabled if not then
it will be enabled. This will prevent spam from coming through. The script runs
every five minutes.

3) Mail delivery may pause periodically as I do more queue tuning. Delays won't be
any longer than an hour and will only happen during the next 24 hours.

In light of the NDR change, if you are not receiving mail to an address you expect to receive mail at, please let me know and I'll do the necessary changes.
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