I just watched a youtube video posted by my friend on my "wall" and I got stuck with this usually long (14 minutes!) contrived advertisement for the new Hewlett Packard super shiny witchcraft device for all workplaces and governments and stuff IT'S THE
HP ElitePad EVERYBODY YAY! I mean just
watch this seriously..
Look at that! There it is in it's own little nano sheath..
It's the perfect object for your lives! It can do everything you can think of (or haven't even thought of yet!) it's another source of constant connectivity and another step closer to us been like the
I'm not impressed to be fair, hardly uncharacteristic I know, but let's face it IT'S YET ANOTHER piece of glass used for all occasions,now this just bought to my mind the spooky occult "
object" from Led Zeppelin's album Presence..
On first glance it looks like a more phalanx-shaped-contorted-incarnation of the monolith from 2001
but I think what
Storm Thorgerson was trying to get across was a commodity for all tasks and all activities for all the family! Yep happy Nuclear Families playing with the MUST HAVE item of witchcraft for the new modern age!
I mean look at further examples of the artwork from the aforementioned classic album!
Kids with iPad..
and 2001 again..
Hmmm.. and a group of people round an iPad..
Sound Familiar? Of course - it's touch pad devices! Used for everything from taking photos of contracts/references, Geiger counters, spatial equalization tools, INTERNET, GAMES, FUN FUN FUN, OCCULT APPLICATIONS, ZEBEDEE SHREWHORSE CALCULATOR, acoustic analyzer, WIFI connections blah blah there's an app for that innit....
Hell I should know I use one myself! I use mine for far more things than LION-O has uses for his SWORD OF OMENS/EYE OF THUNDERA in Thunder Cats! Lion-O could only use the Sword OF Omens/ Eye Of Thundera for limited applications in any given task! Infact Sword Of Omens has dated appallingly compared to even early tablet devices!
Sword Of Omens/Eye Of Thundera can :
1*see through walls and (sort of) see the future but hey...
2* send out a signal to call for back up
3*extend it's length & chop wood.. cus Lion-o doesn't wanna kill anything now does he?
My phone can do almost all of those things
1* i
t's got Google STREET VIEW,
2* It's a phone,so naturally it can call for help at a moments notice!
3* OK! it can't chop wood but give it time and Android will enable it to have cutting lazers cus ya know,that'd be handy!
In-fact Lion-o may as well have had a pager! A pager with sharp corners on it! It's not like her ever defended himself that often. Inspite of been built like the toughest erm Lion,he just relied on his mates all the time! Infact he is a bit of hyper humanoid cat chav now I come to think about it!
These past few years have been all about childhood dreams ruined by harsh reality!
The point is??
But you know what the point of all of this is? Well with a little research I found out you could buy the conspiracy theorist fueled moniker "ELITE" pad for 450 English Pounds but THE OBJECT as IN THE REAL: OBJECT USED ON LED ZEPPELINS COVER RECENTLY SOLD FOR LESS THEN A TABLET DEVICE CURRENTLY RETAILS AT! It sold for a mere $500 which is basically around 326 quid! Or at least that's what the article said.. I'm not too sure to be fair!
What a crazy world we live in where an object of actual ART (very ironic the more I think about it) is worth LESS than another device with the shelf life of maybe a six months in the current hyper fast evolving technological marketplace.. A world full of magic devices and zombies, elves and bankers who can make the value of something become as spurious as an opinion!
Infact it's worth noting that
replicas of the object produced by Zeppelin's label Swan Song at the time of release recently went for $2,000 so the replicas were worth more than the actual object?? I'm confused here really am!
Not a bad blog really and I didn't even mention some old witch getting shoved into an elm tree or something like that.. DING DONG!