Aug 27, 2006 00:33
The places we have to go and eat aren't too terrible. The one closest to me is Mrs E's, which is basically central to McCollum, Hash, Ells, Lewis and Templin. It is open 3 times a day during the week, and twice on weekends. So far the food in this joint isnt too bad.
They pretty much have every kind of food you can want, each type in its own mini-bar, plus it is all you care to eat. But of course these kind of wonderful things have their downsides, which is to say of course, THE OTHER STUDENTS DINING THERE!
Apparently since their Daddies are rich and they are thin, good looking, and can get any person of the opposite sex to dorm-fuck under the pretence of "You want to see my drawings and poems?", that they have priority over everybody else in the lines. You could be standing in line for a black bean burger and some fries, and some air head or paris-hiltomiton will stand in front of you and be like "umm, is this like, the line for the popcorn shrimp? Hee Hee Hee" And when you answer they just stand there, thinking that the cute little giggle is some sort of hypnotic tool in order for you to let them cut front of you. You could try and say "Yo, stupid, the back of the line is over there!", but for some reason their brains won't comprehend anything said to them that doesn't involve them being at the front of a line. Usually this wouldn't be such a big deal, but during the dinner hours there can be from 10 to 20 people in a single line, plus the 10 to 20 in the lines for the other bars really crowds the area, making you very homicidle.
Personally my remedy, if it were legal and wouldn't get me kicked out of KU, would be to take my tray and beat them over the head repeatedly while enunciating every syllable of "GET THE FUCK IN THE BACK OF THE LINE YOU PIECE OF LAGUNA BEACH TRL SHIT!" in rhythm to the beatings. But that unfortunately wont fly.
So my remedy is to make sure they won't stand near me in any line. For the men, I will probably tap them on the shoulder and whisper into their ear seductively "I can hear you pee at night", then start rubbing my crotch with my tray while making animal noises. Or it could be easier than that and stoop to their level "DUDE, OMG that chick over there TOTALLY was checking you out". Or maybe Ill just cough on their plates.
For the women, Ill chase them down after they leave and follow them back to their dorms. Ill wait till they use the restroom and hand them a nail file at the door. When they ask me what its for, I will tell them "So it will be easier when we get our recap of tonights dinner". Or just ask how can they eat something like that when they are already fat enough so they wont want to eat at all.
Basically I plan to fuck this shit up. Somebody needs to bring these boys and girls up right.
PART III sometime later when I can think of something.