GuardiANgels Chapter 03

Jun 09, 2012 19:14

DISCLAIMER: This by all means is not related to anyone from B2ST and I do not own any of them. Their names and looks were used for the sole purpose to be a base on fictional characters. (I have no information ff Dongwoon is an angel in real life, but I would highly approve of it going public. Same goes for the other five.)

The same evening when Gi Kwang got back from school Yoseob had already baked cookies and was dressed nicely for the welcoming of their new neighbors.

“I was joking.” Gi Kwang stated seeing his friend fuss over his hair in the mirror. “And what’s with the get up?”

“After that I’m going out with Junnie, so just in case they decide to invite us or something. Oh, do you want to tag along with us later?” asked Yoseob turning around and smiling brightly before pushing Gi Kwang to his room to get changed.

“I’m not in the mood for Junhyung hitting on me and trying not to be obvious about it.” The younger male grunted before plopping on the bed and leaving Yoseob to rummage his wardrobe.

“You can reject him.”

“He hasn’t confessed.”

“Oh, yea… I forgot.” Sighed the boy and turned around holding a hanger with a white shirt and jeans at which Gi Kwang shook his head ‘no’. “Sometimes he’s so obvious it pains me.”

“He only likes me because he thinks I’m pretty… Don’t you have a pretty colleague we can introduce him to? Like, someone really pretty?” asked Gi Kwang rejecting yet another outfit his friend got out for him. “And just take out my white hoodie and loose sweats.”

“I don’t have one and… I won’t even argue with you.” The older boy sighed again and threw the wanted items at his best friend. “Change fast and then come.”

They were at their neighbor’s door: Gi Kwang in his full home-comfy fashion and Yoseob in his ‘I’m-about-to-go-out’ fashion. The light-haired boy wore denim jeans, black sneakers, white tank top and black shirt over it, unbuttoned and with rolled up sleeves. His hair was not exactly spiked, but not flat either: just something in between. There were a few rings adoring his fingers and a pair of headphones on his neck. His friend sure knew how to make a good impression, unlike him.

After they rang the bell a tall guy with black hair got out to greet them. It was the one with the funny face - Doojoon. Well he was handsome, but there was just something about his face, maybe the eyes? Or the smile? Gi Kwang couldn’t really put his finger on it.

“Oh, good evening. We’re just from down the hall. We saw you moving earlier this week in and decided to come and greet you. Sorry it’s late though.” Yoseob said smiling charmingly and handing the cookies, while Gi Kwang only smiled lazily. The guy at the door smiled brightly and showed for them to come in and Gi Kwang cursed at how Yoseob was always right. He really just wanted to get back at their apartment and sleep because he was beaten to death from the nightshift he took over and then the classes he taught. But nonetheless he entered after his friend and when he was faced with the other guardian angel and the view of how he played with a camera in his hands his mood was brought a little up. At least now he can show him he’s a guardian too and his guilty consciousness will stop hunting him. The Dongwoon guy stood up at the sight of the two newcomers and went to greet them, a charming smile on his lips, unlike Gi Kwang’s obviously fake one. When he took Gi his hand Gi Kwang sent one of their unique signals again and watched as the taller boy’s eyes widened before he smiled even brighter and voiced a ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you’ to him.

After that it was just like newcomers getting uninvited guests out of nowhere. Doojoon asking if they wanted something and listing what there was, Yoseob refusing and Dongwoon’s insisting on them having something. Gi Kwang was really annoyed by the whole thing so as he plopped on the couch and rubbed his eyes he refused them too.

“We moved in two months ago and we know what it’s like. Just sit down. We don’t want anything.” He said grumpily and tried to smile again before hiding a yawn.

“I’m sorry my friend is a little ratty because he couldn’t sleep.” Yoseob apologized as he was led to the sofa by Doojoon, who sat opposite of him. Gi Kwang needed only a glance at how the black haired guy was looking at his friend to know that the guy liked Yoseob. Maybe his friend will have a good luck this time, because this guy had a guardian, so he had to be nice. Or he would end up doing something he will regret later again.

“We could’ve come tomorrow.” Gi Kwang murmured resting his elbow on the armrest.

“I can’t tomorrow, since I will be away, did you forget? And the day after that you’re busy and we’re late by a week.” the light haired one retorted before pouting.

“We’re still glad that you came.” The voice was too near Gi Kwang and he looked to the side finding Dongwoon there smiling at his friend. Really when did he sit here? Anyway what he said made Yoseob grin at Gi Kwang and rest his head on his hand.

Gi Kwang didn’t really talk much because he was mostly dozing off and trying to keep himself awake. He felt himself closing his eyes completely so he straightened up and tried to focus on the conversation, though at some point he blacked out.

When he woke up the other day he found himself in his bed shirtless and with his sweats and he ruffled his hair trying to remember what happened. Happily his friend left him a note on his nightstand with the words:

Kiki, I’m sorry. You were that tired? Dongwoon took you to bed (you fell asleep on him); when you see him be sure to thank him.

P.S. - I took a photo. You two are kinda cute

That was accompanied with a winking crooked drawn chibi. At the last Gi Kwang grunted and hid his face in his hands from embarrassment. After he came over the thought that he slept on some stranger (guardian angel gladly) he sent Yoseob a message demanding the photo to be deleted. He didn’t get a reply at that so he though he will just wait for his roommate to get home and steal his phone, deleting the evidence.

Dongwoon was woken up by Doojoon, as always, and he carried his body to the dining table to munch at his cereal and take a few minutes of half-napping-half-munching-his-breakfast-while-trying-to-be-awake. As he was presented with the box of cereal, the milk, a bowl and a spoon from his friend he gave out a sound of appreciation before he started his morning ritual. It’s not like he always look like this in the morning: only when he stayed up till late to edit pictures.

“So what do you think about our new neighbors?” asked Doojoon with chipper voice as he drank from his orange juice.

“Good.” Dongwoon mumbled, trying to focus on the spoon in his hand that was headed to his mouth.

“Yoseob is quite cute.” Commented again Doojoon and at that Dongwoon leaned back, eyeing his hyung and squinting his eyes.

“I don’t like him like that if you wonder.” Dongwoon said while ruffling his hair lazily. “Gi Kwang is more of my type.”

“Oh my, you really had a type?” exaggerated Doojoon, bringing a hand to his mouth and trying to stifle a laugh when Dongwoon glared at him.

“Yes, I have. But I’m not going to try myself out, so go on and ask Yoseob on a date.” Apparently he will have to sleep through his lecture, because he had to convince his best friend to go on and ask the almost blondie on a date.

“Why not? You looked cute.” Doojoon commented again, his goofy smile adoring his face. “Yoseob even took a picture.”

“That I wouldn’t have let you take if Gi Kwang was not sleeping on my shoulder. The guy was dead tired obviously why would I wake him up by standing abruptly?” The guardian grunted, taking a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

“I just want you to find yourself a boyfriend, or girlfriend, I don’t know.”

“First fix yourself up, and then try finding me a partner.”

“Ungrateful brat, finish your meal and head out.” Dongwoon smiled at his obviously mad hyung before continuing with his breakfast in peace, while Doojoon was rummaging his desk for the disks he will need today at the studio.

Dongwoon did head out - half an hour later. He got in the elevator, but a little before the doors closed someone yelled to him to hold up the elevator, so he stopped the doors and in rushed Gi Kwang,

“Morning.” Greeted Dongwoon with a smile and when the other boy acknowledged his presence he straightened up and looked him kind of wide eyed. It was cute though.

“Morning.” Greeted the black haired boy and scratched his neck. “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. It happens.” He smiled and waved his hand in a reassuring manner.

“And I couldn’t delete the photo…” mumble Gi Kwang, though he was too near to not be heard.

“I really don’t mind.” He smiled again when the boy turned to him smiling too. “Why did you hide the first day?” Dongwoon then suddenly asked and Gi Kwang looked at the floor.

“I don’t like interacting with other angels.” He said when the doors opened and the two boys got out. “Most of the guardians are not like me.” The guy admitted smiling bitterly. “I’m in love with Yoseob.” He said as they reached the entrance to the building.

“I’m heading to the left.” Said Dongwoon, like he didn’t just hear the other confess his love towards the person he guards.

“I’m heading there too.” said Gi Kwang pursing his lips and turning to Dongwoon. “Don’t act like you didn’t hear it.”

“It’s really not my job to mind it. These are your feelings.” Dongwoon shrugged and walked side by side with the boy. “And I want to be friends anyway.”

“Really? Why?”

“I don’t have any other angels as friends. It would be nice to rant to someone about stuff other people don’t get. For example I can’t sleep after I have to report to Lucina. It’s driving me crazy sometimes, especially if I forget about the full moon and pull an all-nighter the previous day to study.” Whined Dongwoon and pouted, looking at Gi Kwang who laughed at him.

“I totally get that!” He said cheerfully. “And if Yoseob catches me I can’t really explain it. He took me to a doctor, because he thought I had insomnia.”

“Doojoon hadn’t gone that far, but I’m trying to play asleep for the past year. It’s driving me crazy.”

“I like you.” Smiled cheerfully Gi Kwang and in an instant the aura around the boy changed rapidly. In what kind Dongwoon had no idea. “Oh, does Doojoon like Yoseob?”

“Why would I tell you?” Dongwoon’s eyebrow raised in confusion. “You said you loved Yoseob.”

“But I want him to be happy. He doesn’t love me back in that way and I if he likes someone I’m more than happy to cheer him on, of course if the guy is decent and Doojoon looks fine.”

“My hyung is not just fine.” Protested Dongwoon and Gi Kwang laughed at that. “Yea, it sounded weird, right?”

“Yea, kind of. But does he?”

“He likes him. I think he got his eye on Yoseob the day we moved in. I bet he’s the guy he saw in the supermarket.”

“Ah, Yoseob told me he saw him too!” exclaimed Gi Kwang and pointed at Dongwoon. “He actually passes by your studio from work and he had seen him before. He was really cheery when you moved in.”

“This will be easier than I thought.” Murmured Dongwoon. “If they like each other all he have to do is set them on a date.”

“Yoseob is the aggressive type, but he’s never the one to ask the other person first.”

“Doojoon only needs some push up from the other party.” He murmured and then looked around. “Oh, I have to turn from here.”

“I’m going ahead.” Answered Gi Kwang and smiled. “It was nice chatting with you.”

“Same here.” Dongwoon smiled and turned to go but Gi Kwang stopped him. “Wait, give me your number.” Dongwoon turned again to the boy blinking. “We have to think of a way to set them up, right?”

“Oh… sure.” Dongwoon mumbled and asked to Gi Kwang’s phone so he could add in his number. “See ya.”

“Have a nice day!” waved Gi Kwang and headed out.

Five minutes after both boys parted ways Dongwoon’s phone rang and judging from the melody it was Doojoon.

“Yes?” he asked, because Doojoon rarely called him if he was going to lectures.

“You just have no idea what happened!” the voice on the other end said and Doojoon sounded something between too exhausted from running and panicked and maybe chipper, but the chipper was really small part in the whole combination.


I'm sorry! I know I took a whole lot more than I said and I haven't even started the 4th chapter OTL... Don't expect some super duper unpredictable;e and full of action plot too... I have a few ideas, but let's see how will I implant them here.
And while I was a bad writer and not writing this story I did one another... It's a oneshot called Hyouka, it's 2Jun and if you're into it you can check it in my journal... if not it's okay, I get it, I would be mad too. (but I have to be shameless and promote my work sometimes OTL)
I won't promise anything for the other update. It may take me some time...

#chaptered, member: gikwang, member: doojoon, #fanfiction, member: dongwoon, member: yoseob

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