I'm a little nervous...

Aug 28, 2007 14:28

Had the appointment at the hospital today - they are not going to waste any time ;) They told me that the surgery will be tomorrow already. They explained me everything they are going to do. I hope that everything will be alright after the surgery, but I have to wait until they get the results in a few days.

The anesthetist is cute - if he's the last one I will see before going into oblivion (I love h/c fanfic - read a lot lately and now I know what it's for ::smiles::) it's okay for me.

If everything goes well they will let me go home tomorrow afternoon - but no work for two weeks or so - my boss is very pleased :( Too bad I'm in a metal stamping company and not in an office. I'm not allowed to do any 'heavy' work - and I hope that includes housework as well ;)

If they are able to eliminate each and every cell that needs to be removed than that's it. If not I have to have a second surgery - and if everything doesn't work there's the need for a hysterectomy (but I'm thinking good thoughts here *g*).

I know some people of the hospital staff - I know they will be nice. And I hope they don't mind me calling after Blair and Jim - I know I'm weird sometimes, and I dunno what anesthesia does to me ::looking bashfully::

Thanks for the good thoughts and wishes you already send me - it is much appreciated...

PS - I know everyone is aware of it, but I really recommend to take cancer prevention serious. I have to admit that I 'forgot' to go to my gynecologist for quite some years. But I did it since my father suffered from cancer. And I'm more than happy I went on a regular basis since then...

daily life, surgery

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