Nov 02, 2002 18:50
So I was sitting there during work watching Forrest Gump (that movie always puts me in a reflective mood) and I just started thinking. There was this one line, when Jenny comes back to Forrest, and he goes: "I don't know why she came back. But I don't care. I was just happy to see her." I'm never like that. I'm always curious about "why?" I like to know as much as I can. I love learning and knowing, I don't know why. Especially when it comes to someone I know, I like to talk to my friends about their lives, and my own. It's not totally one sided, but I like to be a part of everything. But then I think about it a little, and realize that maybe I'm not that opposite. Given the situation, would I question the circumstances? Probably not. But then again, I suppose I've had similar situations in my past. The last three girlfriends I've had, we would have been great together, each one progressively more so than the last, if circumstances would have been different. But all of the relationships have a little dark side to them (basically, the ending). And I think that if I would've questioned earlier, it wouldn't have been so bad. But maybe it's just that you get caught in the moment and don't think about it? You just get swept away in the feeling and don't bother to question, or even to think too much about it. That's where one night stands would fit in. But then does that mean you should question what seems to be working out great? I honestly don't know.
Maybe I think so much cause I can never find answers to these questions. I like when things are concrete, right or wrong. That's probably why I'm a comp sci major, it's either all right or it doesn't work, yes or no, 1 or 0. But these questions have no right answer. They're just concepts strewn out there to spend hours thinking about and never reaching a solid conclusion. That's what life's all about I guess, trying to find the conclusion that isn't there to such questions. Beliefs; morals; tastes; desires; opinions...why why why? Why is your opinion of this like the way it is? Why do you want this so badly but not that? Why do like doing this, but that's not worth it? They're all different for everyone (obviously), and none of them are right. Now, none of them are necessarily wrong either, but that's just the point. Why why why. I always like to know why. There was another line in Forrest Gump that got me thinking. When Jenny was close to dying, she asked Forrest if he were scared in Vietnam. He replied yeah, but then thought about it and said "I dunno, sometimes it would stop raining long enough to let the stars come out, and then it was nice." He went on to describe the other beautiful things he'd seen during all the things he'd done and Jenny replied "I wish I could have been there with you." ...I know that feeling. My life's led me a lot of places, and I've met a lot of people. I've gone with the flow and followed my heart wherever it lit the way. And when you go one place, you have to leave another. In doing so, I gain friendships just as others fade. I've heard a lot of stories from people's pasts, and especially those people whom I've really cared for, I've wished I was a part of that past. I share my past with a lot of people around the country and around the world, and don't get me wrong, have a plenty full one. More so then I like to admit. But maybe if I'd stopped and asked myself why; why I was doing and going where I was. Just maybe I would be a part of one of those people's, or someone else's for that matter, past the way I want to be by now. Now I'm not necessarily saying as in a relationship, but more as friendships. People come and go in my life, and they're going to continue to do so after I leave Texas (after college), and start living my life. ...But if I say that I want to be a part of people's pasts shouldn't I question where I'm heading and if I should always let life lead me instead of vice versa? Perhaps...but "why?"