can days suck anymore than this?

Feb 11, 2008 12:20

June last year as i was lifting a wok with hot peanut oil off my stove in my uber small newyork studio i went into a full on grand mal seizure and the result was second and third degree burns from the waist(belly button actually) down
The one part of my 280 square foot studio that  i hated most, is actually what saved me, the kitchen is only 3ft 6inches from the cabinetry to the doorway to the hall as i convulsed i fell from the waist up into the hall and in convulsion twisted almost right angle from the waist around the door jam so my top half was protected by the wall,(the last time i ever complained about my match box kitchen) its,lilliputian dimensions saved my face and breasts from the hell the lower half of me went through.

well cut to today, the wounds are gradually healing and some are fading ,(not that i can ever wear shorts or short skirts again) And i get a moron of a debt collector telling me via phone at 8am i owe New York presbyterian burns unit thousands?wtf .
I had then, and continue to have full medical coverage, all i had was a $50 co pay for emergency and the rest was covered and $25 co pay each time for therapy  so i hang up but alas seven more calls.
i call aetna only after ten minutes on hold to find out they out source there claims enquiry to guadalahara mexico, and the operators accent is so bad i cannot understand them so after the third time saying"i'm sorry i dont understand " they transfer me to their supervisor, and there department is outsourced to the phillipines? double wtf ,Finally i get a apologie , i hang up and i call back the debt collection company to find out they outsource enquiries to india and they have no idea what i'm talking about AAAAARRRRRGGGGH FUCK OUT SOURCING.

i hate corporations

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