hurrah for mollabeth!!

Feb 07, 2006 16:05

About you ---

Middle name: rebecca

School: braz cubas hahaha

Birthday: feb.´s coming up, people!!!

Astrological sign: pisces!

Chinese sign: i think the rabbit?

Are your parents still together?: thankfully :)

Are you the youngest or oldest?: youngest

What size shoes do you wear?: 10

What size ring do you wear?: who knows...maybe 8??

Appearance ---

Hair color: brown

Eye color: brown

Height: 5 ft 7 in

Do you wear colored contacts?: no, but i would love green ones...

Interests ---

What's your favorite sport?: badminton, all the way

Favorite sports team?: buffalo bills!

Do you play any instruments?: piano, and i used to play the saxophone haha

Are you in band?: hahahhaha

Favorite actor: gael garcia bernal

Random ---

Country?: brazil!! but the usa will always be my home =)

Ever been to Niagra falls?: yes :)

Ever been to Africa?: no, but that would be so sweet

What's your favorite drink?: guaraná antarctica...a soda here that is UN-FREAKIN´-BELIEVABLE

Do you like to shop?: not really...

Like video games?: only mario brothers on nintendo or super nintendo hahaha

Cards?: spoons hahaaha bs, spit, ginrummy, any card game i love that jennie always beats me at

board games?: YEAH

Asparagus?: ew

Seinfeld?: one of the best programs ever

The OC?: never watched it

Ever been to New York?: home sweet home, baby

How long have you had AIM for?: since 6th grade, maybe? when i tried to woo alex finkel from hebrew school....hahahhaha

Xanga?: what?

Do you like broccoli?: in pasta i guess...

Are you a Harry Potter fan?: i´ve seen the new movie four times already hahahaha

Lord of the Rings?: OH YEAH

Star Wars?: i haven´t seen all of them...but i like when hayden takes off his shirt in the new one...

Do you like Superman or Batman?: i like superman shirts...and superfans...

Are you a procrastinator?: why do today what i can put off until tomorrow?

Do you smoke?: nope

Drink?: no

Do drugs?: i´m sick of these boring questions that are on every survey

Are you a slut?: no

Do you think paris hilton is hot?: she´s pretty damn annoying

Are you sure?: yes

Been to a funeral?: yes

Ever been a part of a wedding?: yeah!!

Do you have a job?: english teacher hahaha

Do you like dairy? where would chocolate be without dairy?

Meat?: no!!!

Fruit?: Mmmmm

Vegetables?: not my food of choice...except carrots. i like those.

Ever been to Sweden?: not yet

Do you always wear a watch?: i hate wearing watches

Favorite flavor of ice cream: chookies and creme from friendly´s

How do you like your coffee?: i hate coffe

Do you get good grades?: yeah

Do you want to get married?: hell yeah!

Have kids?: at least 4...5 would be ideal

What do you want to be?: actress on broadway hahahaha so on the slight chance that doesn´t work out, i guess my back up will be president of the usa

What's your favorite color?: red

Ever been in a cult?: wouldn´t you like to know

Are you Jewish?: REPRESENT

Shop at AE?: sometimes

A & F?: no

Hollister?: no

Aeropstle?: no

Gap?: sometimes

Banana Republic?: no

D&G?: what?

Express?: it´s a rare occasion

How long do you spend putting on make up?: i have no idea

Ever wanted to be an astronaut?: i don´t think so

Do you like the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle: i´ve never seen it :(

How about The Village?: it´s a lot better when you see it with hayley hahahhaha

What's the last movie you saw in theaters? king kong

What's your favorite genre of movies?: romance, comedy, musical

Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: i have started to!

What's your favorite holiday?: halloween, thanksgiving, valentine´s day (lucas is always my could it not be amazing!?), fourth of july...hahahha

Ever meet a celebrity?: yeah!! the lead singer from a brazilian rock band called....damn i forgot the name hahahaha

Ever been to a country concert?: hahahah no

What about a classical concert?: we had a field trip to the rpo in 6th grade

A rock concert?: no

Are you in a band?: haha no

Ever seen your favorite musician live?: unfortunately no

Do you drive?: i haven´t for 6 1/2 months :(

Do you like playing in the snow?: hell yeah!

The rain?: when i can change my clothes...but right now as i am stuck downtown without a key to the house to change and my jeans are literally soaking wet from top to bottom because of the huge storm we are, no i don´t like the rain.

Afraid of lightning or thunder?: i love it!

Do you have OCD?: i think to a small degree hahaha

Do you watch the news?: sometimes

Are you sad this is over?: not, not at all. but hey, it finally stopped raining!

mr. steele hates haikus.
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