Jun 30, 2008 08:12
So im reading obamas interview in rolling stone and he apparently his a big rolling stones fan, taken in light of the fact he tried coke back in the day i think its safe to say he did coke to the rolling stones. I mean in the 70s that was sorta the thing to do when listening to the stones, anyone else find it funny that if obama is elected it will be our second president in a row who publicly has been known to do coke, cause everyone seems to have forgotten how big of a cokehead w was. i just find it humorous more so with w cause his mom and dad we're big on the drug free america thing when they were in the white house. Obama also when asked how he felt about bob dylan cause dylan endorsed obama which is like the first time in 40 years he has taken a stand on politics, and obama said he had a good amount of dylan on his ipod and he specifically said he had the whole blood on the tracks album. Wonder if it makes him cry too, it is the saddest album ever made.