I don't remember the first time I heard this song exactly, but I remember the first few times or so. It was on that old silver boombox I got for one of my birthdays back then. I think I spent a fair amount of my time before Rob came to live with me sitting there listening to that thing. And before that I had my old gray tape player. Apparently I liked my music to come out of gray apparatuses. Weird. Anyway, I think I must have read a lot right next to that thing, because I don't know what else I was doing. I remember I tried to use the remote but that was always annoying and rarely worked. Anyway I'm pretty sure it was always one of my favorite songs from pretty much the moment I heard it. It's nice. I know this post is a little rambling and irrelevant, but I liked remembering that stuff. Also playing basketball in my room. Man what good times those were.