
Sep 05, 2007 17:06

I am 54 minutes away from the start of my third semester of education classes. I have roughly 32 credits to go. I can take, at most, 4 per semester. So target date age 28, I will be a teacher.

This is frustrating mostly because the more I read about schools, the more I hate them and want to get in them. Change from the inside and all that. And the sooner I get away from my peers in the education curriculum, the better.

The general mood of education...well, of education education, that is, the training of our future teachers, really is that "All kids are good, don't use red ink so no one gets a complex, support every learner" hyper-libral mentality that conservatives (rightly-my god, can I agree with conservatives? I'd better go eat a veggie burger and support gay rights before I proceed) bash. What good is raising a sensitive child, a child so sensitive he or she is totally unprepared to deal with what is a very cruel world. And what good is said sensitive child if he or she can't read, write, add, or subtract?

I am about to begin reading a book called "Genius Denied", about how our gifted children are fairing the worst in public schools. As ever-tight budgets are diverted into programs to aid the performances of slower students, the brightest are left to be bored, isolated failures. There is definate anti-intellectualism in America, and those who dispute the very real truth that bright students need more attention than they are receiving point to other nations to support our inaction.  For example, Finland has one of the highest literacy rates in the world, but no program in place in its educational system to identify or specially educate "gifted" students. But...why should there be, when nearly every Finnish child is already a high-performing student, meeting or excelling beyond requirements? American students are largely loafers, and that is the difference between the average student and the gifted ones. Finland is serving all of its children well. We are serving none of ours well, and so we insist on making sure that no child is left to excell; but every child should at least be mediocre.

I...I don't know where I'm going with this. Suffice to say that I enjoy discussing education, and more people should. Today's uneducated are tomorrow's world.


Is anyone using the book club website?
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