Agent Smith
You're evil this much: 62%
You're old school crazy villain in a new school style. You're big with the usual fighting and taking over of the world and whatnot. Agent Smith is so bad that even in the other Matrix movies, the other bad guys are scared of him, because he's really really bad. The other Matrix movies suck, by the way, but still, you're quite an interesting villain.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 20% on crazy points
The SUPER VILLAIN Test written by
genepoolfun on
OkCupid Free Online Dating William The Bloody
Your responses indicate that you are 22% Innately Evil and 54% Machiavellian!
'My heart expands, 'tis grown ebulgent / Transformed by your beauty effulgent.' Bloody awful, innit? Well, you wrote it. That's okay, because your days of writing love poems are long gone (or are they?) -- these days, you get your jollies through a bit o' the old rough and tumble. You're a child of darkness now, but that won't stop you from turning against your own kind if it'll get you off, or if it will help you win the devotion of your one true love.
For your partner in crime: You're a prety together guy, so you don't need much help working out your little schemes, little though they may be. Besides, any real villain probably wouldn't understand your undying love for and devotion to your 'arch nemesis.'
Always avoid: everyone.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 1% on Innately Evil
You scored higher than 75% on Machiavellian
The Villains' OKCupid Test written by
BigVividWorld on
Ok Cupid