12:38 in the afternoon, right on cue the phone rings. I open my eyes to peer at the caller ID and it is the same number of the person that calls me at this time everyday when she is not working. Adrienne.
Adrienne is a good friend I met through work. She is one of the few good things to come out of CVS/Eckerd since I have been there. We chat about many things, mostly she does the talking and I listen, but today the conversation we had put me in stitches. I was laughing my ass off through most of it. She is a woman that can quite vocal if provoked into a rant. I got an earful of one of her rants, going on about how men should receive reversal bull vasectomy at the age of thirteen. She feels it would help with the teen pregnancy situation in American, deadbeat fathers, and generally keep idiots who should not be having children from spawning. She wanted to win the lottery and become a lobbyist to make sure laws were past.
I was laughing. (Not at her, mind you)
It was the way she was going on about this topic along with some of her other political views that Adrienne started to remind me of
Sil_no_kozi. It is not often I can find little similarities that reflect in my friends.
. . . . it’s a small world after all.