Dec 29, 2006 03:29
Stereotypes are funny, because usually they're based on a larger truth.
First of all, I don't consider myself racist in any sense of the term. I have many racially diverse friends. One of my best friends is black (Aaron). And yes, I think Michael Richards is the biggest idiot to lash out at a spectator since Ron Artest. So I can say without a doubt that not all black people are dumber, slower, meaner, etc. than white people. But I can say that if people at a Rap/R&B concert represent a sample of the urban Detroit population, no wonder Detroit sucks as a city.
First of all, one large difference between the Aerosmith and 89X concerts and the Scream and Dirty South concerts is color. At Aerosmith and 89X, the crowd was about 80-85% white, approxamately 50% male. At both "black music" concerts, the crowd was BY FAR black. Literally the only white people in my section at Dirty South were the two paramedics and the two of us ushers. Scream was 99% black, and 95% female.
So keeping in mind those ballpark figures, consider the following. About 70-80% of the crowd at the "black" concerts were obese. About 30-40% of Aerosmith were obese, and about 10% of 89X were. About 70% of the "black" concert-goers had white Tshirts on. White-colored shirts were not as prevalent at "white" concerts. After the "black" concerts, my jacket was saturated with about 10% cigarette smoke, 5% marijuana smoke, and 85% poly-cotton blend. After Aerosmith and 89X, my jacket was about 30% cigarette smoke, 10% ganja, and 60% poly-cotton. At Aerosmith and 89X, about 25-35% of the females were attractive, from 6-10's. At the black concerts, disregarding my immunity to jungle fever, at most 10% of the females were 6-10's, and most of those had floor seats.
At Aerosmith and 89X, I had to help 30% of the audience find their seats, and relocate about 20 people from seats that were not theirs. At the black concerts, 90% did not know where they were, nevermind where they were going or how to get there. I had to relocate at LEAST 100 people who were too dumb to see that they were sitting in the wrong section, including about 25 who were on the wrong floor, and 25 who were on the wrong side of the building. At Aerosmith, there were 0 stage rushes and a handful of ejections from the concert. At 89X, 0 stage rushes, 1 mosh pit, a few dozen crowd surfers, and subsequently a few dozen ejections. At the black concerts, 5 stage rushes, and almost 100 ejections. Finally, Aerosmith - 30% Cell phones, 89X - 60% cell phones, black concerts - 80% cell phones.
So based on these observations, assuming that it spoke for a majority of the state, it would be reasonable to assume that many Americans are overweight, many have cell phones, about 10% smoke, and about 90% of smokers are unable to read, considering that every 10 feet there are no-smoking signs. Along color lines, black people are twice as likely to get fat as white people, probably due to the abundance of fast food in the urban environment and poor nutritional education. White people are much more likely to smoke that black people, likely due to the fact that black people don't have $5 to spend on a pack of cigarettes, which in turn is because they all bought cell phones instead. Unfortunately, they don't know how to work them really well, because they tend to be dumber than white people, unable to read simple "Section 205 ->" signs, and thinking that their tickets say "Floor seats" when they actually say "Section 206 nosebleeds" Blacks are also much much more likely to start a riot because the "Buy a gun, Kill white people, Fuck the cops" music they're listening to told them to. People who listen to 89X are highly likely to crowdserf, smoke grass, and be about as intellegent as grass by the time the concert is done. Finally, Black people have an obsession with white t-shirts, and apparently have all been beaten with an ugly stick when they were young.
The point is - Rap and R&B (Which supposedly stands for Rhythm and Blues, which it sounds nothing like) are perpetuating the reasons why Detroit has high crime, and why Tricounty white people are scared of Detroit black people. The education in Detroit obviously sucks, and needs to be completely overhauled. If more black kids listened to REAL black person music, like Motown and REAL Blues, they'd be more cultured and less angry at the "white man" keeping them down. It is not the white man keeping Detroit down (there aren't any left), it is the hatred of the white man. And nothing keeps that fire of hatred burning more than "fuck whitey" rap and R&B.
Oh, and Detroit should take a cue from "liberal elite" New York and ban trans fats. We're all obviously too stupid to stop eating them.