From Fina's Journal: One quality you find attractive in swadan? sweet temperamentAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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hey hun! sounds like you need a day to get drunk off your ass and forget everything!!!! i know what you mean, all of a sudden everything and everyone starts demanding things from you until it gets to the point where even the tiniest requests, like taking out garbage sound like the biggest impositions in the world! try taking things one step at a time, take a little time alone, maybe rearrange your priorities, move the things you like to do a bit higher up the list an use them to reset your brain! if you like running, i'd suggest boosting that up asap, it'll give you time alone to think without being frantic, it'll have you doing something you "need" to do, and it'll help get your mom off your back about your weight. how can your mom be pestering you about that? how rude!!! she's supposed to love without bounds! sheesh! just like my dad "pudgy princess" my ass! anyways, thought this might help cheer you up after getting "ganged up on" even in the comments! i mean, i'm sure they didn't mean it to sound like that but when someone cries out for understanding is not the time to try to make them feel more guilty! and both people you "ranted" about seemed to do that! but don't worry! buck up, i'll always be here for you! give me a ring if you need to!
lots of love and hugs and stuff! fina
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