Title: Why They Fight
Prompt: Important
Characters: Clone troopers, Geonosian warriors
Era: Rise of the Empire
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400
Warnings: None really. It's battle, but not gory.
Author's Note: I've never been able to see redshirt characters as blank slates, whether they're on the good guy or bad guy team. Takes place during "Landing at Point Rain."
Geonosis is hell.
The troopers know this. They don't need General Kenobi's Force sense to know that thirty of their brothers are now dead. They can hear the screams as the transport that had been flying beside them spews smoke and flame, plummeting mercilessly towards the surface. Beneath their helmets, they grimace, yet they do not have any prayers for the fallen. The Jedi say that the dead become one with the Force. But they've never seen the Force do anything except hurl things around and knock things over. It doesn't seem like much of an afterlife.
And they wonder, despite how they have been trained not to, if they will survive. Survive to land, survive to reach their objective, survive to return. It is a thought shared by every man inside the transport, and none of them would admit it. But they will fight all the same. For the glory of the Republic, to hold the Galaxy together, for the Jedi. That is what they've learned. But there are no Senators out here, and none of them have ever met the civilians they're supposed to fight for. So the more experienced ones know the truth. They'll be fighting for their brothers out there.
Geonosis is hell.
The warriors wait in their catacombs, gripping their blasters, listening to the thud and high-pitched scream of the blaster cannons as they fire on the invaders. They are soldiers; this is the life they were born to. They will defend their colony, and they will defend their planet. Some of them have heard that the Republic army is like theirs, bred for battle, and when one Geonosian has heard something soon the whole hive has. And some of them wonder if they are all that different.
The younger ones are nervous. They are eager to prove themselves and to drive off the Republic invaders. They fear because they have never been in a true battle, but it is a fear they share and natural. The older ones are calm; their fear does not show. They know what they fight for, and it won't be the Separatists. None of them have ever been off-planet, and for that matter they aren't sure what the difference between Republican oppression and Separatist freedom is. So when they fight, it will be to keep their sisters alive.