D-Day is Thursday*

Aug 30, 2020 11:19

UPDATE 11/11: I made a 164 in August and took the LSAT again last month and made a 172! I have applied to 9 schools thus far and I think I'm going to apply to 4 more. x

I have three more days of studying left. I am taking Wednesday* off to relax and do fun things and NOT think about the test. Nessie and I are going to video chat and then I think I'm going to have a bubble bath and watch a movie.

My actual test is at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday Thursday. I'm glad it's in the afternoon, because that gives me time to have a cup of tea and meditate and calm myself. I tend to do fairly well on exams if I don't let stress get to me, but this one is sort of a horse of a different color. I'm telling myself that my pattern of over-performing on test day will hold true, though. LOL

Please send me all of your good wishes/good vibes/prayers/etc--I could definitely use them!

x C

ETA: It's probably a bad sign if I can't even read a calendar correctly, right? LOL
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