In the Doghouse with My Cat

Aug 15, 2020 22:44

One of my three cats, Cosmo, is OBSESSED with S. I mean, I literally cannot watch anything with S in on my laptop, because Cosmo will drape himself over the keyboard. As it is, he presses himself up against the television and purrs loudly enough to be heard across the room whenever S is on screen. We have no idea why--he has never met S. I had a theory that it was the accent, but that hasn't panned out.

This evening I was watching a clip of something with James McAvoy, and Cosmo was in the other room. As it happens, I think this is the first time I've had something on featuring a man with a Weegie accent when Cosmo has heard them before he saw them. He came BOUNDING into the room, but the minute he saw that it wasn't S on the screen, that cat turned and gave me a look of such BETRAYAL. Like he thinks I purposely tricked him. He went out onto the porch and when I tried to call him close to me to give him a scritch, he stood up, turned in a circle so that his back was to me, and plopped back down.

Wonder how long I'll be in the doghouse with my cat? 😆

Update: He wouldn't even come to me to get food this morning, so I've turned on Cashback in the living room while I study in the bedroom and Cosmo is currently purring and rubbing himself all over S like a high-end rentboy every time he is on screen. Maybe I will be forgiven now.
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