PSA: Please Don't Use "BIPOC" in North America

Jun 12, 2020 23:51

I've gone back and forth about writing this post--about putting anything up on social media about this, really. The very, very last thing I want to do is take ANY attention away from the current movement to save Black lives. However, as I've tried to gently correct people on a case-by-case basis and 99% of the time received only racist backlash ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

nutmeg_44 June 13 2020, 18:08:30 UTC

Hi!!! I didn't know what BIPOC meant. With the current climate I've been seeing it a lot but didn't know what it meant. I can understand the issues it arises in North America vs UK. Race is also a complex issue for us in the Caribbean because we have more colourism or shadeism rather than race, especially when it comes to black/white interactions. Your history is so rich. I would love to hear more about your indigenous heritage.


sw33tch3rrypi3 June 25 2020, 20:35:58 UTC
I wish I knew a lot more than I do! Sadly and surprisingly, that's the super-bigoted Trump fan side of my family and I have very little contact now. XOXO


enchanted_jae June 14 2020, 02:13:28 UTC
I am boggled that anyone would think there are only two races: black and white. In addition to indigenous peoples of north america, Australia, and elsewhere, there are also Hispanics, Asians, etc.

When it comes right down to it, we're all one race: Human.


sw33tch3rrypi3 June 25 2020, 20:38:43 UTC
Exactly! An agent I've worked with has a client I have butted heads with on this issue, because she keeps wanting to talk about race in America but she's British and keeps trying to talk about it as if America is Britain Lite. She knows about race in Britain, so CLEARLY she's an expert on race in the States. /s She literally told me in a DM that since I'm not black, I'm white. It's infuriating.


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