Aftermath (and a Few Pics)

Nov 29, 2019 11:52

Oof, I am still full.

The thing about eating with thespians during show season is that you eat late, so Thanksgiving dinner was at about 11:30 last night when Chris and Nessie got in from opening night of the BLT Singalong. Even with all that time, I didn't manage to get everything perfectly done. We ended up with broccoli cheese instead of broccoli casserole and blanched green beans instead of green bean casserole and Ness' roasties were still cooking as we were eating. Oy. Still, I think it was an okay meal, and I apparently have a couple of dressing converts on my hands!

These babes decided we needed Thanksgiving decorations. ❤️

Mini pies ("pees," as Nessie enjoys calling them) in sweet potato, pecan, and soured milk custard--the only thing still intact enough for a picture this morning! 😂

Legit port that we toasted with to finish the night before falling into our beds!

These little machines will get up today and do the entire show they did last night AGAIN. Actors, man. ❤️💕❤️

Hope everyone else is recovering nicely and enjoying leftovers! 🦃
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