Apr 02, 2005 18:10
Last night i spent the night at my favorite cousin;
Melissa's house =] it was so fun <3.
on the way to her friend Sarah's we saw Lauren!!
then us 3 rode bikes to Subway...lmao melissa
that little fat kid was like 8 years old and
checking you out! that was so funny...
while your mom was on the phone! then we went
to sarahs and it was fun...all melissas friends
i met are cool...yeah then we stayed up
cleaning her room lol till like 2:30 in the morning
then slept in and yeah it was fun
thats why shes my favorite cousin ♥
i love my parents so much. i think im so music
obsessed because they are both really into it...my
dad got tickets to Weezer and to Avril Lavigne!
and he might get some for the GC/SP concert
in auburn hills!! ahh i wanna go so bad =] i swear
my family is so awesome!!
EDIT: yay i can "slowly" get back
into soccer and horseback riding
starting monday!!! =]=]=] /EDIT
What I [[feel]] for you
Is like one of those
Feelings that doesnt
seem to [[ever]] go away...
yOu're missing whats *right in frOnt of yOu*
a girl whO wOuld give up everything
just tO be with *yOu*
Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
Comment ♥