Moirail log, derp derp

Nov 29, 2010 22:47

When: Sunday, Gremlin week (Day after the Bachelor Auction party)

[After the night that Terezi'd had, waking up the next morning wasn't the worst part. It wasn't the stiffness in her body from sleeping on the couch in her dress, it wasn't the pounding headache from the alcohol she'd drank, it wasn't knowing that she would have to drag herself over to her room to change out of this thing and into normal clothes so she could flop into her recuperacoon for another few hours.

No, the worst part was the slow, hazy realization of all the things she had done the night before, some of which set a deep flush of teal through her cheeks. And knowing that she wouldn't be the only one thinking about those things. Not that she regretted it, but she couldn't say that she wasn't a little embarrassed. Jegus, why did she let herself get that bad...

She finally manages to move, get changed, down a bottle of water, and catch a bit of restful sleep before the day is completely wasted. The water and the nap help. By the time she gets up again, her head doesn't feel like it's trying to murder the rest of her body. Now that she can think, her first order of business is so find Sollux. She doesn't really want to, she's not even sure what she wants to say, but she promised to alert him of all major updates, and... This is sort of major. Just a little.

Terezi cleans up, and heads upstairs. It's the middle of the afternoon, and she's knocking on Sollux's door, unusually fidgety for a relatively peaceful Sunday.]
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