Jul 13, 2005 11:15
Yeah, well I haven't updated in a long time, and that's too bad! Umm... Riponfest was ok. Nothing special. I didn't get to play 3-on-3 this year. It's probably a good thing I didn't cuz I would of hurt those 40 year olds in our brachet. They were pissing me off! They were like 100 and were playing in the high school brachet. What losers. They need lives. Me and Kayla basically sold water and gatorade for volleyball all day. How exciting...not. And I got sunburned/tan whatever around my boot so I have this line there. And Mr. Goljenboom stuck ice cubes down it so the inside was all wet and it felt pretty gross.
Me, Caitlin, Kaylin, Emma, Calla, Kayla, Nikki, and Claire went to the movies last night and saw War of the Worlds. Michael, PJ, Mitch---ell and Jacob came along too. I really don't like those sophomores very much. Ok, moving on, the movie was good. I liked it muy much. haha that sounds stupid. Except when we went outside the sky looked like it did in the movie right before the aliens came so that was a little freaky, but we got over it.
Tomorrow I leave for my cruise! I'm so excited!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I'll be on the internet there so yeah
Today I get to watch my softball team lose. I feel so bad for Caitlin, shes the only person that can actually play left on our team. And no, I'm not trying to be cocky. We lost to Rosendale 29-14 last game and yeah, thats sad. Me Kayla and Jordan are all sitting out and we dont have any pitchers! So all these girls who thought they could pitch tried it, and no not good. Gosh, at least its almost over I suppose. And I'm almost done with my crutches! 2 more weeks! I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks though. Gosh
Tara Groth said that our 3-on-3 team was stupid. Even if it's true, I dont care, shes stupid