Apr 25, 2009 20:30

"Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not...."

"LIV, SHUT UP!! My driving is not that bad." Alex said as she turned a sharp corner causing the back  tire to jump the curb. Olivia remained glued to the passenger seat of Alex's brand new 2008 baby blue BMW 135i Coupe. With hands gripping the dashboard, Olivia slowly turned her head towards the insane driver. "Alex...baby...can you slow down just a little?" Alex looked at Olivia like she grew another head. "I'm only going 50 Liv." 
"You're going through an alley..Shit!!  Lookout!"  The coupe sped through the side street almost knocking over a homeless man who was walking to his cart. 
"Well, he shouldn't have been there. Geez, this homeless problem is getting worse. They're just all over the place." Alex knew going for a drive would be a great way to spend this beautiful day. Olivia wish she knew going for a drive with Alex would not be a great way to spend her day off.

Alex ran into Olivia's apartment. She found her detective on the couch watching Jerry Springer. "Liv, what the hell is that?" Olivia just kept her eyes on the tv and replied, "Oh! It's midget transvestite week. Ya see, that chick is really a guy waiting for his surgery. And that guy has been sleeping with that tranny but doesn't know she is a he. A midget he." Olivia laughed at herself. "They're both midgets too." Alex stood there confused. She saw Olivia was really into the tv show. "Livvy, I got great news!" Lucky a commercial was on. Olivia faced her girlfriend. "What's up baby?" Alex showed the good cop a set of BMW keys. She noticed Olivia's raised eye brow. "Liv, my mom bought me a car. She said it was to celebrate my win yesterday in the Mitchell case. Let's go for a ride!" Olivia smiled at her girlfriend's giddyness. Until the show came back on. Alex was getting annoyed. "Oh shit!! Look they're fighting baby! HAHAHA! There they go...Oh damn. That hurt. Wow, she..he wat the fuck ever is picking up the chair! This is g..." Olivia shut up as soon as she felt a set of lips and a tongue enter her mouth. 
Alex broke the kiss and stared into lust filled brown eyes. "Livvy bear...if you go with me, we can have some fun in the car." She started playing with the brunettes hair. "We can even go parking." Ding! that did it. Olivia shut off the tv and dragged her beloved out of the apartment and down the stairs while Alex laughed the whole way.

The things she did for sex with Alex. Now she was scared she may never feel the blonde's body again. So she just continued to pray and ask for forgiveness. Olivia gripped the door handle as soon as Alex made another sharp turn on to the on ramp for the belt parkway. "Where are we goin, Lex?" "Don't know. Don't care. I'm just having fun." Alex looked over and looked into a pair of frightened eyes. "Am I really a bad driver, Liv?" Olivia just stared through the windshield as Alex crossed over two lanes without using a turn signal or her mirrors. Nope, she wasn't going to burst Alex's bubble. "No sweetie. You just took me by surprise, that's all." Alex beamed and stepped on the gas a little harder. Olivia hoped she wouldn't burn out the engine. "It's getting late babe, how bout we head back home?" Alex just kept her eyes forward and didn't say a word. "Alex, you ok?" Still nothing. Maybe she's mad at me or something. Olivia stared out the window and noticed a change in scenery. "Alex, are we in Brighton Beach?" Alex proceeded to park the car outside of starbucks underneath the Q subway line. "Yeah, I love walking on the boardwalk. Since it's such a nice warm night, I figured we could get a couple of iced coffees and walk around for a bit. If that's ok?" Olivia wrapped her arms around the attorney and just held her. She kissed her neck and said, "Of course it's ok. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day, love." She broke the hig and looked into a set of beautiful baby blues. "I have just one request." Alex raised her eyebrow and replied, "Yes?" Olivia cupped Alex's face and kissed her deeply. When she pulled away, she asked, "Can I drive us back?"

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