The David Letterman Sex Scandal

Oct 08, 2009 22:15

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past week, David Letterman was being blackmailed for 2 million dollars. His black mailer has plead not guilty to first degree grand larceny. Thats how this all started. Once Letterman found out about this, he came out, on his late night talk show, and said that he had sexual relations with female members of the staff. His wife of only about 4 months is rumored to be pissed off... Well, I'd be pretty pissed too if my husband told all of America he cheated on me before we were married... but I digress. Now the big question: Is David Letterman guilty of sexual harassment? Well, here's some info, so  you can conclude for yourself. There are two types of sexual harassment, quid pro quo [This is when sexual favors are asked of one in return for a promotion or better grade in a class.] and hostile environment [When the harasser uses unwanted sexual advances, asks for sexual favors, or uses other physical or verbal tactics to make the work/school environment uncomfortable, unsafe, and hostile]. So, if the sex wasn't used to get these women promotions or the environment wasn't hostile, there is no sexual harassment, to which I say "So what? Who cares?" [To quote Joy Behar] No one was hurt [except his wife, who I do feel sorry for, they dated for like 23 years or something, but none the less, she will either divorce him and move on or forgive him and have ammo for fights xD Win, win {Cause in the divorce, she gets a crap load of money}]
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