Well, might as well...

Dec 07, 2006 19:06

Title: You Can Take the Girl Out of New York But You Can’t Take New York Out Of the Girl
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13 (language)

Alex ignored the man when he asked if he could buy her a drink. Her attention stayed on the TV over the bar, hoping he’d take a hint.

He didn’t. “Sugar, you’re in here- alone -during Monday Night Football. So, every guy here knows you’re looking to get picked up. You’re a sure thing,” he drawled in a northern Midwestern accent. He reached out, pushing back a strand of her hair. “So why play hard to get?”

Her eyes still never left the Giants, but she did finally speak, “Touch me again, I’ll have your fucking balls in a blender.”


Notes: Yeah, contrived, but I just wanted to have Alex (even as Emily) say that to some poor, unsuspecting, Wisconsinite, lol

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