'Please go and enjoy your life. Danny did.'

Dec 24, 2009 18:45

Please read this. I'm sitting here crying at this touching story. The words touched my heart...

Danny's Example

Given how things have been going for me the past few years, this week has been making up for it. Because of all of you. Thank you so much for being my friends and I hope that I can be as good a friend to you as you have been to me.

Thank you so much Yeonah, for the lovely CD/DVD set. I know you knew how much I love her and it was so sweet of you to get this for me. <333

Thank you Nica for the lovely card with the seeds. I am looking forward to planting them and seeing what grows. <333

*sniffles* Thank you all. For everything. I am indeed lucky to have such wonderful friends around me. *hugs tightly*

I'm going to try and enjoy my life, like this little one did for the brief time he had.

I love you all.

Nollaig Shona Dhuit/Merry Christmas to you all.

friends are love

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