Random entry is random....

Jun 28, 2009 04:26

Just a heads-up - for anyone who's watching my fic comm, I'm updating it. (yes, I know. It's been a while ^.^;;;) So yes, there will be spammage. Sorry in advance, tho if you haven't read the stories, read 'em? *looks hopeful*

Went to the cinema today and saw Blood the Last Vampire. It's based on the anime/manga series and wow. Action-packed, very gory but also very awesome and kind of sweetly sad. What was a bit freaky tho was actually being able to understand most of the Japanese that was spoken in the movie. I got weird looks when I commented on something one of the characters had said in Japanese but oh well. LOL It wasn't really that big of a deal, it just amused me. *is weird like that* I'm not hopeful for actually understanding that much while I'm there (to start with, at any rate) more because I know the ppl in the movie weren't actually native speakers so they didn't speak fast or with complicated (to me) language.

The boys went and saw Transformers and while chibi loved it, hubby thought it was a waste of time. It amused me because he was the one who wanted to see it, and chibi didn't. Quite the reversal...

I gots my Yen for the trip. It's not as much as I hoped it would be but it's still more than I expected to get, so I can't really complain. I'm saving up hard from now til then as well still so should have another €200 worth of Yen by the time I leave. If not more. *hopes*

I also got recs for another hotel for my second week in Osaka, tho I still haven't made up my mind for it. I don't know if I can leave it until the time I get there or plan/book ahead. This indecision is driving me crazy too... *sighs* I fail...

Getting nervous about my archery course. They updated the archery website and I guess you earn pins, badges, arrows and arrow-heads based on your performance. There are even colour levels - white, black, blue, red, gold and purple, the highest colour award you can get. You start off with pins and work up to arrow-heads (the pins are for beginners and the arrow-heads are for competition results).

I didn't really pay much attention to this before but I guess getting your beginner's pin means you're accepted to whichever club you're training with and their judgement as to whether you're competent enough to go on to be a member of IAAA (Irish Amateur Archery Association). Talk about pressure. *dies*

I won't tell chibi tho - I don't think he'd do well under these circumstances. He doesn't do well under pressure... They do have a program for kids so he'd get one once he gets his skills up to scratch. He is trying very hard tho, and not giving up, so I'm very proud of him.

For a little amusement, have a bit from a song chibi did in school way back in Canada, years ago. It's just so cute and sticks wiith you like nobody's business. Plus it's funny (to me, anyway LOL)

The horse and the flea and 3 blind mice
Sitting on the curbstone, shooting dice
The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea
Oops, said the flea, there's a horse on me.

Yeah, I'm weird.

random, rare real life, archery

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