[FIC] Happy Birthday?

May 11, 2009 15:46

Title: Happy Birthday?
Author: jung_hyeri
Pairing: HenWook
Summary: Ryeowook comes home after a hard day's recording and finds a surprise waiting for him.
A/N: For our dear Ryeo-chan (aka yeonah) for her birthday. I hope you like it, dearest. <3

Ryeowook surveyed his once-pristine bedroom with an open mouth, Kyuhyun leaning against the door of the closet with a faint smirk on his face. Zhou Mi and Donghae looked up from where they were currently 'wrapping' up the youngest member of the group, little bits of paper, string, vividly coloured ribbon, and packing tape strewn about.

"Hey Ryeowook," Donghae grinned at him briefly before turning back to his task, missing the way Ryeowook's eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Just what are you doing?" he asked as Zhou Mi gestured to Kyuhyun to answer, still busy with wrapping Henry up in brightly coloured paper, muttering to Donghae something that sounded suspiciously like 'Don't put that there. He'll need it...'.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kyuhyun replied, a wry smile on his face like he'd tried to stop them but failed miserably. "They're giving you Henry....for your birthday."

Mentally facepalming, Ryeowook looked back at the mess. He'd completely forgotten about his birthday, having been kept busy all day with rehearsals and recording for their upcoming second album as SJ-M. Completely exhausted, his thoughts had been occupied with coming home, making something simple for dinner, and crashing. So much for that idea.

"Someone has to clean up..."

Kyuhyun was already out the door, most likely having sensed this was coming (he knew Ryeowook after all). Both Donghae and Zhou Mi stiffened and stood up hastily, making their own excuses.

"I think I hear Hyung calling us. I wonder what he wants?" Donghae exclaimed brightly before darting from the room, Zhou Mi in tow.

Ryeowook looked at Henry, one eyebrow arching as the younger man stared back apologetically, then grinned and sat down on the bed to admire Donghae and Zhou Mi's handiwork.

"I thought they'd never leave," he smirked, fingering a piece of ribbon that stuck out in a haphazard attempt at a bow and making Henry shiver with his touch. "One thing, though, Henry..." Pursing his lips thoughtfully, he glanced the length of Henry's bound body with a gaze that both heated and chilled him.

"Just whose idea was this?"

Henry looked down, then back at Ryeowook, the apologetic look back on his face. "Mine...." he blurted out, his face a rosy red hue that clashed with the wrapping paper and ribbons. "I thought it would be romantic....and erm...Happy Birthday?"

Ryeowook laughed.

"And this is why you're not allowed to make the decisions, Henry," he purred, leaning down and capturing Henry's lips in a searing kiss that left Henry in no doubt that his plan had somehow managed to work rather than backfire, as it had first appeared. Slipping off his clothing and dropping them on the floor, Ryeowook slid into bed beside the younger man and began to show him just how appreciative he really was.

*fanfiction, pairing: henwook, character: ryeowook, character: henry

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