[FIC] Mistaken Assumptions (Will You Be Mine?)

Apr 05, 2012 13:03

Title: Mistaken Assumptions (Will You Be Mine?)
Author: mi_iseul
Rating: G
Pairing: Sunggyu/Dongwoo
Genre: Fluffy...sth bordering on crack (yes, I know, weird, huh? LOL)

A/N: For dizzy_grace's birthday which is coming up in a few days. I didn't expect to finish it quite so fast since I don't write very much anymore (outside of RPs, that is >.>;), but here we go LOL. She asked me to post this, so...

Sunggyu smiled at Dongwoo backstage as he came to change after his solo, the younger man wearing a relieved smile of his own.

"How'd I do?" Dongwoo panted as he began to strip, Sunggyu's eyes following his every move. "Was it ok? Did you like it?"

He looked at Sunggyu nervously, something in the older man's expression confusing him, especially when he didn't respond but just stared at him. Tilting his head, Dongwoo tried again.

"Hyung? Did I do something wrong?"

Rather than replying, Sunggyu looked around, and then grabbed Dongwoo's wrist, dragging the half-dressed young dancer from the dressing room out into the corridor after stopping to get something from his bag. Pulling him down the corridor while ignoring his protests, Sunggyu stopped outside a room marked 'practice' and tried the door, smirking when the door opened.

"In here," Sunggyu ordered quickly, following the bemused Dongwoo into the practice room and locking the door behind them. According to the schedule, they had plenty of time for what he had in mind, as long as Dongwoo didn't object too much.

"Hyung, what are we doing in here?" Dongwoo asked, thoroughly confused. "You never answered my questions..." And he was still watching him with that weird expression on his face. "Why are you looking at me with that expression like Myungsu-yah gets when..."

Then it dawned on him and he began to laugh nervously, fidgeting with the hem of the white tank top he had on.

"Wait, I thought you and..." he began, looking down at his feet, not seeing that Sunggyu had started walking toward him until it was too late and the older man was standing right in front of him, the scent of his cologne (the same cologne Hoya had helped him pick out for him for Christmas, he realised) hitting his nose and making him look up.

"You thought I and who what?" Sunggyu asked, an amused grin on his face as he looked at Dongwoo, knowing he'd finally realised why he'd been staring at Dongwoo in the same almost predatory way Myungsu looked at Sungyeol whenever he thought nobody was watching.

"Nevermind," Dongwoo mumbled, his face bright pink as he stumbled back, suddenly shy at his leader's invasion of his personal space (though really, since when had he ever been awkward about that before? He was one of the worst offenders in Infinite and they all knew it).

Sunggyu smirked and stepped forward, amused at this little cat-and-mouse game.

"No, Dongwoo-yah. I want to know who you think I supposedly want...who isn't you..." he grinned, boxing Dongwoo into a corner of the practice room, his hands on either side of the younger man's body. "Because you're oh so very wrong..."

"But...Woohyun-ah..." Dongwoo protested, his eyes wide as Sunggyu trapped him in a corner. "He thinks you're a couple..."

Staring at Dongwoo, Sunggyu laughed, throwing his head back and leaning into Dongwoo, the vibrations of the older man's laughter making Dongwoo's body react in unexpected ways. Shifting uncomfortably, Dongwoo glared half-heartedly at Sunggyu.

"I don't see what's so funny," he pouted. "He does..."

"No, he doesn't," Sunggyu laughed, leaning his head against Dongwoo's shoulder. "He is seeing Hoya and has been for months, thank you very much..."

Giving up his efforts at trying to contain his laughter at the shocked look on Dongwoo's face, Sunggyu suddenly felt the effect he was having on Dongwoo and quickly sobered, though he still had a smile on his face.

"Dongwoo-yah, when we spent all this time together rehearsing and going over my solo so you could sing it, did you actually pay attention to anything that was going on...other than me?" he asked carefully, noting how the blush on Dongwoo's face deepened.

"They haven't exactly been keeping it a secret, you know," he continued. "You seem to be the only one who doesn't know." Sunggyu snickered. "Even the fans know, if the amount of stories being written about them are any indication..."

"Yah," Dongwoo pouted, swatting Sunggyu's arm at his playful teasing. "Don't be mean, Hyung. I get it. I'm stupid and slow. Don't rub it in..."

Turning serious, Sunggyu reached out and took Dongwoo's face in his hands, lifting his head to face him.

"No, you're not, Dongwoo," he said softly, his eyes and voice earnest. "I'm the slow one. It took me a while to realise how I felt about you, so I hope you'll forgive me for this..."

Leaning closer, Sunggyu licked his lips nervously and kissed Dongwoo, the kiss gentle and hesitant at first, then growing more confident when Dongwoo responded almost immediately, kissing him back. His arms going around Sunggyu's neck to pull him closer, Dongwoo nipped at Sunggyu's lower lip, startling him into opening his mouth and letting Dongwoo deepen the kiss. Eventually pulling away breathlessly, the two men stared at each other, Dongwoo giggling nervously.

Sunggyu reached into his pocket, a shy smile on his face. "I have something for you," he murmured, Dongwoo quietening and looking both curious and nervous, fidgeting in place as Sunggyu pulled out a small box and looked at him with soft eyes.

"Dongwoo-yah...will you go out with me?" he asked quietly, opening the box to reveal a set of pale gold couple rings, embossed with Infinite's logo on them. Sunggyu looked sheepish as he held out the ring meant for Dongwoo. "I took one of your rings to make sure I got the right size..."

Dongwoo laughed as he let Sunggyu put the ring on his finger, holding his hand up to admire it, a soft blush on his cheeks.

"I'd wondered why that ring wasn't in the same place I'd put it," he teased, grinning widely as he took the ring meant for Sunggyu from the box and put it on his boyfriend's finger. "And yes, I will go out with you, though next time, ask me like a normal person, instead of scaring me half to death?" He mock-pouted. "And you still haven't answered my questions. Did I do ok?"

Kissing Dongwoo once the ring was safely in place, Sunggyu couldn't help but smile against his new boyfriend's lips.

"You were amazing," Sunggyu replied, smiling so widely his eyes nearly disappeared. "How could you not be? You're Dongwoo...you're perfect, and you're mine..."

character: sungkyu, rating: g, group: infinite, oneshot, pairing: sunggyu/dongwoo, character: dongwoo, genre: fluff

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