[FIC] A Different Kind of Heat

Oct 11, 2011 06:24

Title: A Different Kind of Heat
Author: mi_iseul
Rating: G
Genre: angsty fluffy...something? idek...
Word count: 1402
Pairing: Hoya/Sungkyu (Infinite)
Summary: Hoya finds an indirect way of confessing to Sungkyu.
A/N: for the 100 Infinite fic challenge

"This summer's got to be the worst ever," Hoya murmured softly, trying his best not to complain (too much). "It's so hot ."

They were waiting to go on stage at one of the many events they were scheduled to perform at, in the middle of the worst of the summer heat, and without even so much as an umbrella or a fan to keep them cool. It sucked big time. Hoya looked over at the others to see how they were faring, sighing and drooping even more as he saw they weren't doing any better than he was with the heat. Then he noticed something and looked around warily.

"Where's Sungkyu-hyung?"

"I don't know," one of the others mumbled in annoyance, fanning himself with a program. "But it's not very fair that he's left us here in this heat, while he's off doing who knows what..."

Hoya glared at the one who'd complained (Sungjong, his overheated mind belatedly supplied) and got up, going to stand over the younger man.

"He's out there in this heat working hard while you're sitting there doing nothing." Hoya defended Sungkyu without even having to think about it as Sungjong sat up and stared at him in surprise. "For all you know, he's trying to find some way of getting us out of here. Think before you open your mouth next time..."

“Not quite,” Sungkyu spoke up, looking sheepish as they all turned to look at him in almost rehearsed (and creepy) unison. In his hands was a cooler. “But I have the next best thing. Pop and ice cream…”

Descending on him like a pack of wolves, the others grabbed the cooler out of his hands and eagerly reached for their favourites before the cooler was snatched back, out of their reach. Sungkyu looked at Hoya, a small enigmatic smile on his face.

“I think Hoya deserves first pick,” he said, giving the others a pointed glance as he held out the cooler (minus its lid) for Hoya to choose what he wanted.

Hoya shook his head with a grin. “I think Hyung deserves first pick,” he replied, pushing the cooler back at Sungkyu. “You went and got them for us, so it’s only fair. I can wait.”

Flushing with a different kind of heat, Sungkyu ducked his head, making a show of choosing his favourite ice cream from the selection and then offering the cooler back to Hoya.

“There, I’ve chosen,” he said quietly. “Now it’s your turn.” Sungkyu chuckled as he looked at the others, trying to ignore the feeling he got from Hoya’s rare obvious display of kindness. “Hurry up before they kill you for making them wait…”

Grinning evilly, Hoya chuckled too.

“What if I want everything?” he asked, his words loaded with a double meaning that made Sungkyu’s mouth go dry and his eyes widen as he stared at the younger man. Shaking his head, Hoya’s grin turned to a soft smile. Not now, he seemed to say with his eyes. Later, not in front of the others.

Finally taking pity on them all (especially poor Sungkyu), Hoya finally made his choice and went to stand off to the side, his eyes on the leader as he handed out the pop and ice cream to the other members. He knew that eventually Sungkyu would come to find out the meaning behind his words and he’d be ready.

Completely wrapped up with his attention on Sungkyu, Hoya missed the fact that Sungjong and Sungyeol had snuck up behind him, their hands cupped in front of them with sneaky grins on their faces. He gave an undignified (though really, since when were dignity and Hoya on speaking terms?) shriek as they dumped ice down the back of his shirt and then ran screaming with laughter. Hoya did his best to try and catch them, swearing all kinds of revenge down on their heads, but eventually gave up as Dongwoo and L interfered, tripping him or deliberately holding him back from reaching the evil duo.

Under the guise of taking Hoya back to the dressing room to change, Sungkyu couldn’t stop the grin from appearing on his face. Finally he could be alone with Hoya to find out exactly what he’d meant earlier.

“They got you,” he chuckled softly, his arm companionably around the younger man’s shoulder. “You have to admit that, Hoya…” Then he gave another chuckle. “And you looked so cute, running after them like that…”

“Evil little shits,” Hoya muttered, then recollected that this was Sungkyu beside him, his face turning pink. “Sorry…” He sighed, looking at the ground as they reached the tent, grateful the coordi-noonas weren’t anywhere to be found; they’d have a fit if they saw the state of his shirt. Fortunately they had backups. “Sungjong’s just mad because I got upset with him earlier…”

“I know,” Sungkyu said, perching on the edge of a table as he watched Hoya change. “And thank you, but you didn’t have to do that. I’m a big boy. I can handle a little criticism…” He smiled to take the sting from his words. “I’m just curious though. What exactly did you mean…?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hoya said stiffly, pulling on the replacement shirt, his eyes everywhere but on Sungkyu. His face was still pink and his heart was beating uncomfortably fast, and not from the impromptu exercise, either. “Let’s go back now…”

Sungkyu caught his arm as he walked past. “Not so fast, Hoya,” he said softly, his eyes searching Hoya’s face. “You meant something when you said you wanted everything, didn’t you. I know you did.”

Sighing and looking at the floor, Hoya didn’t know what to say. He thought he’d be ready for this, but now that the moment had come, he wasn’t so sure of himself. Why would Sungkyu be interested in anything with him? He was a guy, for one thing, a dorky idiot who hadn’t even finished school, and who rarely showed how he truly felt about things, let alone people.

“Hoya?” Sungkyu’s voice was soft. “Hey…Hoya…”

“Sorry,” Hoya mumbled, the colour deepening on his face as he looked away. “I’m just a stupid idiot for hoping you’d want anything to do with me as more than a friend. Forget I said or even implied anything…”

“Whoa, Hoya, where is this coming from?” Sungkyu asked, sounding confused. “I didn’t say anything, did I? Since when I have I ever said anything about not wanting anything to do with you?” He pulled Hoya around, his hand going to lift Hoya’s face so they could look each other in the eyes. “Yes, we’re friends.” He gave a soft, almost deprecating chuckle. “And yes, I want more too. You’re not the only one who wants everything…”

Blinking at Sungkyu, Hoya found himself speechless, unable to say or do anything. He hadn’t actually expected (hoped, yes, but expected? Not in a million years…) Sungkyu to reciprocate his feelings, and hearing that the older man was actually willing to try…

“But…with me?” he asked, sounding hesitant and unsure, not like the usual confident Hoya everyone knew. “And what about the other guys? What are we going to tell them?”

Snickers greeted his words, causing both Hoya and Sungkyu to turn and stare. The five members they’d left behind were standing (or kneeling) at the door, listening to every word, with huge grins on their faces.

“Obviously nothing,” Sungkyu said, his eyes narrowing. “Since it seems they already know.”

“Maybe now Hoya will stop mooning over you, Hyung, and actually start acting normal again,” Dongwoo said cheekily, sticking his tongue out childishly as Hoya mimed throwing a punch in his direction. “It’s about time…”

Sungjong was worse. “Which one of you is the girl?” he asked, his voice full of innocence, though they all knew better.

He was just lucky that it was time to go on stage; as it was, both Sungkyu and Hoya’s expressions promised a lot of pain in Sungjong’s future in retaliation, but he didn’t mind. The looks on their faces had been worth every bit of anything they could come up with. The younger man grinned on the way to the stage, carefully keeping out of their way. And Dongwoo was right. It was also worth having Hoya and Sungkyu back acting normally and not mooning over each other.


*fanfiction, character: sungkyu, character: hoya, rating: g, group: infinite, pairing: hoya/sungkyu, challenge, oneshot, genre: fluff

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