clex fanzine novella, now available online: Race with Destiny

Jun 27, 2007 00:24


VampyrAlex and Chris J. Ueberall proudly present their slash novella

If you want to have it on paper with a Susan Lovett cover buy the fanzine from 'Agent With Style'.

Chris J. Uberall aka gnulfy

If you like your text easy to read go to Alex' site:

If you like to read on a cool looking page, go to Chris' Chest of Scrolls:

The story is the same, and we hope you like it. Please send feedback.

Rating: Slash, NC-17
Category: First Time, Drama
Characters: Clark/Lex
Summary: When Clark finds out he isn't the last son of Krypton after all, his life takes an unexpected turn. Only one person might understand him, but that would mean telling his secret and baring his soul. Can he trust Lex with his burden?
Timeline: Takes off after "Whispers".
Warnings: Death of a minor character, non-con (Not CLex.)

you know, its really not difficult to receive wonderful gifts in fandom!!
all you have to do, is to be totally shameless and ask ;D
(I reserve my right to resort to blackmail and sheer terror, if being nice is not sufficient, plus, I have a lightsaber... glowing pink-ish!)

may I quote from my my first fanzine announce/rec this year in march:
clex fanzine, now available online: I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!
Ask and ye shall recieve. I've been meaning to post this for the past year. Thank you for getting me off my arse to do it!

so, now 4 month later, I have been asking nicely again, and voila, gnulfy:
Since Ender asked so nicely when VampyrAlex' and my SV novella would be on our pages ... ;-) Alex worked night and day to put it up.

Lex leaned against the fence and looked up at the sky. "I've been clashing with my father practically from the moment I could speak, Clark. It gets tiresome after a few decades," he said, smiling faintly. "LexCorp will be more than enough to keep me occupied. As for Chloe's father... you were right. He was an innocent pawn in our games and didn't deserve to suffer for it."

Clark touched Lex's arm gently, feeling the welcoming warmth beneath his hand. "Thank you," he said, knowing without having to be told that Lex had done this for him.

Lex looked slightly surprised before his usual calm façade took over. "It's no big deal, Clark. Don't read too much into it. Besides, it will drive my father insane that I chose not to work with him," he added with a smirk.

Clark scowled. "Don't do that."

Lex's eyebrows rose quizzically. "What?"

"Put yourself down, belittle your decisions like that." Deciding maybe it was time to take another step forward, he continued, "I... I'm proud of you. Of being your friend." He could feel his face heating, but refused to back down when Lex's eyes narrowed.

After what seemed like an eternity, he could feel Lex relax subtly. Lex gave a curt nod. "Your friendship means a lot to me too, Clark. Now, I'm sure your parents are getting worried. You should go back inside. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Understanding Lex's need to protect himself, Clark let the subject drop. "Sure, I'll be at the Talon after school. Maybe we could meet there?".

.The sound of a chair scraping against the floor had him looking up, directly into Lex's hungry gaze. For a timeless moment they were frozen, Clark's heart hammering in his chest, then Lex blinked and the moment was lost. Clark swallowed thickly, rubbing his suddenly sweaty palms against his jeans.

Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't completely clueless. He was well aware of what that look in Lex's eyes meant, he had been for some time. At first he had ignored it. There had been Lana in his life and he hadn't been ready to acknowledge the emotions lurking in Lex's gaze. Later on, he had been loathe to further complicate a friendship that, between all the lies and secrets, was already so complex.

Lately though, he found himself wondering what it would be like to have all of Lex's intensity focused solely on him, to have that brilliant mind and that vulnerable heart all to himself. But the secrets were still there, and so were the lies, and so he kept silent.


Dar-El looked at his tracking device in frustration. He found it hard to believe that Jor-El had sent his son to this remote place. True, it was better than Dar-El's landing site, a place called Siberia, but still far from anything that could be called civilization.

.This was Earth, after all. Dar-El had recognized it by its yellow sun and the interesting powers he had developed, just like those Jor-El had described after returning from his forced visit to Earth as a youth. He hadn't yet figured out how to fly, though. Maybe that needed more time. However, the speed and the strength were incredible; no wonder Jor-El had decided to send his son here. Here where he would be a deity among humans, at a time and in a place where no Council of Krypton could forbid interference with lesser beings.

.Deciding not to waste another second, Dar-El ordered, "Stop the truck, Kal-El."

The truck swerved dangerously in his hands at the sound of his true name, and it took a few seconds before Clark had control back. He parked the vehicle by the side of the road and turned to Strand with a scowl.

"What did you call me?" he snapped harshly.

Strand smirked. "That name was given to you at birth. I was there when your father and your mother chose it for you. My name is Dar-El and I am from Krypton. In fact, Jor-El and I were cousins. Distant cousins, but related nonetheless."

"That's impossible," Clark murmured, shell-shocked. "I thought Krypton was destroyed."

"True. But like you, I managed to leave just before the explosion.".

."So, why are you here?" he finally asked.

"To help you fulfill your destiny, Kal-El."

Clark frowned; that didn't sound right. In fact, it sounded too much like Jor-El and the writings on the cave about the last son and 'his quest to rule the third planet'. He still didn't know what that meant, but it looked like he wasn't the last son after all. And he had no wish to rule over anything or anyone.

"What do you mean, 'my destiny'?"

"You do not belong amongst these humans, Kal-El. Living with them, pretending to be one of them. They are not like us. Even those closest to you will never understand you, what and who you truly are. You must let go of your past. These people - the Kents, your human friends - they have served their purpose. It is time to leave them, to show the world what you can do."

"And rule Earth?" Clark retorted angrily. "You sound like Jor-El."

"He had ambitious plans for you, true. And why not? With our powers, no one on this planet, or in this galaxy, will be able to stop us. Think about it, Kal-El, to rule over these humans, to have them catering to our every whim -"

"Get out!" Clark interrupted, voice rising dangerously.

Both authors have fics on their websites, so if you want to read more of their fics besides this novella:
I have selected two fics of both of them, that I expecially have been loving to read over the years:


Love And Poison
Clark/Lex, PG-13, Drama/Romance, First Time
Summary: Early season 3. Lionel tries to get his hands on LexCorp but fails.

Sorrow And Bliss
Winner of the 2005 SCREWZ Award for Best Smallville novella
Clark/Lex, NC-17, Drama/Romance, Futurefic, First Time
Summary: When Lionel tries to kill him, Clark goes to Lex for help

this one has Hope and Mercy, and well, not want to reveal much, but YaYYY, happy end, hurt and comfort..and all that stuff, that most of you will hopefully love :D

Chris J. Ueberall


• Rating: Slash, PG-13
• Category: First Time, Drama
• Characters: Clark/Lex
• Summary: It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny

Losing Yourself
• Rating: Slash, PG-13
• Category: Futurefic, Romance
• Characters: Clark/Lex
• Summary: Every man needs a safe harbor

yes, I know, it must be a shock to you, they are both PG-13 fics, and yet I LOVE them, expecially "choices", there is something about the concept of higher beings interfering in Clark's and Lex's, that has been captivating me since the first time I read it...
it makes me happy and gives me confidence, that even if not in our universe, there is actually an AU reality, or dimension, where they can be together ,and make the choices, that leads to happiness...

If you like their fics, please remember to leave feedback for the artists!

x-posted at nearly all the sv (slash) yahoo groups:

and all these following LJ-coms:
x-posted at alien_desires, svroundtable, denialcorp, absolut_lex, sv_slash, gotclex, smallville_au, clexcorp, sv_fanfic, old_school_clex,
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