5 authors, 5 fics

Jun 16, 2007 12:59

This weeks rec list comes from an idea I had after chatting with danceswithgary. Below are 5 of my favourite Clex authors and my 5 favourite fics that they have written (excluding fics I have recced previously). Also a couple of extra recs.

I have known Kantayra for a long time, since back in the days when we both wrote for the Buffy fandom. I was thrilled when I discovered SV and found out she wrote fics for it.
1. Project Overlord
2. Free Blowjobs From Superman
3. Clark's Secret
4. Alienated Property
5. The Comfort of Adversity

Some of the first SV fics I read were written by Goth Clark.
1. Redrawing the Lines
2. Keep You Safe
3. Line of Sight
4. Anticipation
5. Quack, you're it!

I have totally fallen in love with her fics
1. War Crimes
2. Freefalling
3. Looks Like a Billion Bucks
4. Waiting for My Real Life to Begin
5. Promises to Keep

A good friend and a great beta!
1. Desires versus Required
2. Day 403
3. Fill in the Blank
4. Second Course
5. Destiny Wears a Disguise

I've only discovered her fics fairly recently but they're wonderful!
1. The Air Above
2. Purple
3. Keeping Silence
4. Cookie Dough and Candy Hearts
5. Memoirs of an Alien Who Fell to Earth

And finally I want to rec a wonderful vid by talitha78 which was made to go with the fic Star Child by kayladie

Star Child vid
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