Recs for May

May 12, 2007 21:10

Hi! I'm teot, and I'm the reccer for May. My recs will be completely random, stories as well as art and vids, but I'll try to focus on material that has been produced in the last year.

Scion by scribblelenore. A Smallville/Profit crossover. I was enchanted with this story from the first moment scribblelenore posted it because I had *just* finished watching Profit (also highly recommended). Profit's voice is right on, and disenchanted Lex has an edge, a very attractive, kinky edge. I don't think you have to see Profit to enjoy this; a healthy appreciation of teenage, rebel Lex will work just fine.

Long Way Down by scrunchy. Lex Luthor/Anderson Cooper. Hmm, I suppose I should warn for RP slash, but trust me, this works. It's sexy as hell and scrunchy also manages to work in a sly suggestion of CLex.

1001 Nights by garryowen. Clark/Lex. Warning, this is a WIP. I'm going to admit that I'm recommending this for totally selfish reasons: I want her to finish it. *g* AU. Likely novella-length already. It has such promise; the smut is hot, and the characterizations are excellent. Leave a comment, and garryowen may consider finishing it!

Of Chess and Cookie Jars, Very Important Things by romanyg. This is a short, absolutely *perfect* little CLex fic. It's my favourite of romanyg's. Clark talks to Lex on the phone--in the shower. It starts out innocent and then turns... not so innocent. It's also crazy hot without being explicit, which is always difficult to pull off.

Q.E.D. by runpunkrun is absolutely charming. It's cliché fic (Clark pretends to be gay), college fic, hilarious and yet wonderfully hot.

Endgame by bagheera_san. This is amnesia!fic with a twist. bagheera_san is a very promising writer; she's very prolific and I'm afraid I haven't been able to keep up with her yet, but amnesia!fic always has wonderful potential, especially when it's dark but you don't quite know the extent of that darkness until the end.

Free Blowjobs from Superman by kantayra. Lex is President and Superman has to "Swear allegiance and stuff," only somehow blowjobs get mixed in there. Hmm.
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