
Nov 26, 2006 16:01

Hello all, here is my last rec of the month!

You know that promise about no moresomes? Welllll.... I lied. This is a huuuge moresome with Clark as everyone's bottom boy. This is heavy s&m so, don't read it if you are squeamish about that and Kon-El is also beating on Clark. So, what is this excellent slutty!Clark fic? Coitus Clarkus by my favorite writing pair: perryvic and zaganthi! So, you KNOW it is going to be good.

My second favorite porn piece is Live Wire by Bren Antrim. All I need to say for this is: ((Clark + Lex)-clothes)(Tazer+Clark*alieness)= Masterful porn. This is just sooo good for when you are reading a fic with so much sexual tension that you want to scream and just need porn to get over it.

This is not a porn piece, but good nonetheless, and I am really sad that it appears to be a dead WIP because I love it dearly and am not above emotional blackmail to get her to finish it I am reccing it because I know this way more people will bug her. And, moreover, this is an excellent fic that has a really good characterization of both Clark and Lex. But of course, you can't forget Brodie... ^_^ So, I present to thee Constellation by toomuchplor. In this fic, our dear Lex comes into town the same way, but this time it is years later and Clark is older. And, at where she has left off, we don't even know if the Clex will stay Clexy or if Lex will ______ for Clark...

And for my final rec... hmm... it will not be my final rec, one more after this but only if I can find it. This rec is a story that I LOVE by MistressAce called Salt the Earth and its sequel Shadowlands by digitalwave. In this story Lex fails to save Clark from the cross and he dies, Smallville lears what a Luthor's wrath can bring. If extenuating circumstances had not prevented me from doing so, I would have nominated this for the Dark fic or Angst catagorey in the sv_awardz.

And for the final one, this is by peach1250 and it is Always With You and the sequel Caged. In this Lex's brain/consciousness is placed into little!Lex and he makes his mom adopt Clark and they live very happily ever after... They are good reads.

Hope you enjoyed my month of reccing,

Hangebokhan, your dedicated reccer.

fiction recs, recs

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