
Jul 19, 2012 12:23

На русском:
До и после гендера. Один из известных представителей направления, называемого "гендерными исследованиями" профессор антропологии и славистики, директор программ русских и евразийских исследований Принстонского университета Сергей Ушакин развивает проекты далеко за пределами этого направления. О сути этих проектов, причинах отхода от гендерной проблематики и ее состоянии с ученым побеседовала социолог, координатор проекта «Гендерная демократия» фонда имени Генриха Бёлля Ирина Костерина.
Что такое консерватизм. За всеми идеологическими изысками главное в консерватизме - это реакция на демократические изменения, на улучшение общественных условий жизни и труда людей. Все, что мы имеем - восьмичасовой рабочий день, пятидневная рабочая неделя, ежегодный отпуск, больничные и пенсионные выплаты, защита потребителя и охрана среды обитания, - достигнуто в борьбе с консервативной реакцией. Теперь, когда борьба вновь выплескивается на наши улицы, пора понять, что такое консерватизм.
Ретроактивная коммодификация женского тела. По ссылке много фотографий занятых своим делом женщин, между которыми не связанный с ними авторский текст рассказывает нам, какие в СССР женщины были неухоженные и толстые. и с небритыми ногами. Обратите внимание на использование "мы" и "нам". это мужское "мы" бесшовно идентифицируется с государством, которому женщины должны. детей -- много. ноги -- бритые. зубы -- красивые и не золотые.

Ключевая статья месяца, про которую писали все: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Why Women Still Can't Have it All - It’s time to stop fooling ourselves, says a woman who left a position of power: the women who have managed to be both mothers and top professionals are superhuman, rich, or self-employed. If we truly believe in equal opportunity for all women, here’s what has to change.
Подборка ссылок по мотивам этой статьи:
Women who don’t have anything close to ‘it all’
We cannot have it all because we no longer have dreams
Why is 'having it all' just a women's issue?
Having It All: Not a “Women’s Issue”
'I'm Not Your Wife!' A New Study Points to a Hidden Form of Sexism
Both Men And Women Increasingly Value Both Career And Family
Women Are Having Kids Later, and That's Good for Everyone
Sixty percent of women are the primary breadwinner, but still doing most of the housework
Can modern women “have it all”?

Trans Issues: скандал вокруг RadFem и дело CeCe McDonald
There's nothing radical about transphobia. A new UK conference for radical feminists, RadFem2012, is not only playing host to a well-known transphobe, but is actively excluding trans women from attending. The conference is open only to "women born women living as women".
Legalities of excluding trans women from women only spaces. After Laura's piece on the F-Word blog, commenters suggested that excluding trans women from women-only space is illegal. Unfortunately, the laws surrounding exclusion of trans* people from women only spaces are far from clear. Hidden away in Section 28* of Schedule 3 to the Act is a provision that gender reassignment discrimination is acceptable in the provision of single-sex services, "if the conduct in question is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim."
Women born women? As a controversial conference restricts entry to 'women born women', Helen G analyses this phrase.
Resist RadFem 101 - Links Round-Up
Woman sentenced to 41 months imprisonment in a men's jail и Why we should be fighting for Cece McDonald

На английском, разное:
A feminist response to Michael Albert’s visions for the Occupy Movement. This post is a review of two free ebooks: “Occupy Theory” by Michael Albert and Mandisi Majavu (PDF), and “Occupy Vision” by Michael Albert and Mark Evans (PDF). As the names suggest, these books are being put forward as a potential unifying ideology for the Occupy movement, and for the anti-capitalist movement more generally.
Ranked: Disney Princesses From Least To Most Feminist. It's hard to be liberated in a clamshell bikini.
Bingo: The Callers Enclue You. You have been linked to the Anti-Comics-Feminist Bingo Card. Fear not! Barring a few exceptions, it is entirely possible you are neither malicious or an idiot, but merely clueless. These explanations will serve to enclue you.
Michigan state rep barred from debate for saucy language. Michigan state representative Lisa Brown has been censured during debate on an abortion bill, and barred from debate on an unrelated bill, after saying something so scandalous, so foul, so egregious it shouldn’t be spoken in mixed company: “I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours? And finally, Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means ‘no.’”
New feature: It's not feminism that hurts men. Jo T examines a recent article supporting claims that men are "the new second sex" and finds it to be a highly misleading piece that fails to consider the role of patriarchal structures in men's suffering and instead opts to blame feminism.
All hail the matriarchy, and a note to the dudebros. That men are more likely to drop out of school, more likely to be incarcerated, and more likely to be portrayed as a buffoon in a commercial for oven cleaner is actually a “neglected form of sexism” perpetrated by feminists, says David Benatar, head of philosophy at Cape Town University and author of The Second Sexism.
What We Missed: SCOTUS health care decision edition.
Essay: Do I Do It For You? Service Kink and Disability. I want to say as a first principle that almost every fic focusing on disability I’ve ever read can be understood as having some relation to service kink, whether that’s rolling around in the kink straight on (consciously or not), or subverting its usual presentation, or coming at it orthogonally from left field, or pointedly not engaging with it. Personally, I theorize this is because having a disability entails negotiating boundaries of rejecting and accepting service on a daily basis.


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