Фото-музей. Солдаты Конфедерации. Спустя 97 лет... (июль 2021)

Jul 11, 2021 17:14

В городе Шарлоттсвилл (штат Вирджиния, США) демонтированы памятники генералам Конфедерации времен Гражданской войны Роберта Ли и Томаса "Стоунуолла" Джексона. В августе 2017 г. их закрыли черной тканью. Два твитта от городской газеты The Daily Progress:
“Taking down these statues is one small step closer to the goal of helping Charlottesville, Virginia, and America grapple with its sin of being willing to destroy Black people for economic gain.” https://t.co/D06gOJoA6f
- The Daily Progress (@DailyProgress) July 11, 2021

"For so long, it seems like that statue, in particular, has dominated the landscape of the city, and, in essence, the Confederacy continued to look down on us. As of now, that no longer is the case." https://t.co/SuOxzhucYi
- The Daily Progress (@DailyProgress) July 11, 2021
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2021, instagram, фото-музей, #charlottesville, twitter, война с памятниками

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