Feb 11, 2005 23:41
hey!! just got back from ash's house. yea, im eating a bandeja paisa..YUMMMM, i shouldn't be eatin it though cuz its 2 late but w/e :-)Today Becca, Sandoval(Michi!!!), Mercy, Sly and Ash went to the falls... It was awesome... We ate at Jhonny Rockets, tried on dresses ;-), made fun of people n yea, helped out some desperate srry guys...Omg, we nicknamed so many people there! First we got the surveyors(They were asking us on how to talk to a girls and saying it was 4 skoo[how sad...They even were writing everything down!] Ok,next top are the amp dudes{going around the mall with an electric guitar[They were so AC/DC.. YEA RIGHT!! LOL!!!]Um...the hahaha's(these lil kids that were laughing all dorky and shyt[the surveyors scared them off, lol]) Um we got he korean preppy dude..(Mercy would know wat im talkin bout...lol)Not to forget Fredman and Weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOO!!!!!!!!! THE PEDIPHILE COPS!!Who else...Hmm... cant remember right at this moment but if u do write a comment..
ANYWAYS.. we had a cool time..dont feel like writing... 2morrow ill probably go to Kaffe, maybe, maybe not..Well night!